Exploring Proxying QUIC and HTTP/3 for Satellite Communication

Mike Kosek | Hendrik Cech | Vaibhav Bajpai | Jörg Ott
Technical University of Munich

IFIP Networking 2022, June 13–16, 2022.

[Paper Arxiv →] https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.01554

[Paper IEEEXplore →] https://doi.org/10.23919/IFIPNetworking55013.2022.9829773


The following tools were developed for our paper

  1. SATCOM Emulation Testbed: Testbed enabling reproducible transport as well as application layer measurements over SATCOM networks leveraging OpenSAND (https://github.com/kosekmi/quic-opensand-emulation)
  2. SATCOM Evaluation: Visualization of SATCOM Emulation Testbed emulations (https://github.com/kosekmi/quic-opensand-evaluation)
  3. qperf: A performance measurement tool for QUIC which also enables the proxying of QUIC connections (https://github.com/kosekmi/qperf)


In order to enable the reproduction of our findings, we make the raw data of our measurements as well as the analysis scripts and supplementary files publicly available within this repository.

  1. Repository Overview
  • The file analysis.ipynb is the analysis scripts for the goodput and web performance measurements
  • The folder dataset contains the datasets which are provided as csv files
  1. Dataset Overview
  • The files goodput_1s_bins.csv and goodput_100ms_bins.csv in the dataset folder contain the aggregated goodput measurement data in 1s and 100ms bins
  • The file web_performance.csv in the dataset folder contains the web performance measurement data
  • All files contain their respective data over all measurement runs for all tested combinations of orbit (leo or geo), transport protocol (quic or tcp), Performance Enhancing Proxy (true or false), initial window (10,10,10,10 or 10,100,100,10), and packet loss rate (0 or 0.01 or 0.1 or 1 %)
  1. Preparations
  • Clone this repository to a machine running Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab
  1. Analysis
  • Run the Jupyter Notebook analysis.ipynb


Please feel welcome to contact the authors for further details.