React Quiz App

An interactive and open web app that allows a user to create his personal quiz with questions and options. This app was made using ReactJS and Firebase.

I have decided to make this app mainly to understand connecting backend with frontend frameworks.

Guidelines for usage

If you are looking just to explore existing quizzes made by other people you don't need to sign in, but if you want to create your own quiz so others can see it you first need to register or login.

This is the landing page:


This is the register page:


By clicking the plus button you will be redirected to the quiz creation page.


Fill out every field for submittion to work.

quiz form 1

quiz form 2

After you are done, click Submit Quiz.

Now your quiz is visible for everyone on the homepage. You can open it and try it out.

taking quiz

You can check out this app in the About section of this repo or through