
Async client for amazon web services

Primary LanguageScalaOtherNOASSERTION


Build Status

An async client for amazon web services

Most "async" clients for aws for Scala simply wraps the blocking amazon Java API:s on a separate threadpool, or not even that. This project provides a core package which makes it easy to talk to amazon services asynchronously using Akka HTTP.


Important Not quite 100% functional yet! Not yet published to maven central. Download and publishLocal with sbt for now.

Sample usage

implicit val system = ActorSystem("test")

val creds = Credentials("aws-key", "aws-secret")

val client = S3Client(creds, Regions.USEast)
client.listBuckets.foreach { buckets: Seq[Bucket] =>
  println("My buckets: " + buckets)