
Refinement types for Scala

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


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refined is a Scala library for refining types with type-level predicates which constrain the set of values described by the refined type. It started as a port of the refined Haskell library (which also provides an excellent motivation why this kind of library is useful).

A quick example:

import eu.timepit.refined._
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._

// refineMT decorates the type of its parameter if it satisfies the
// given type-level predicate:
scala> refineMT[Positive](5)
res0: Int @@ Positive = 5

// The type Int @@ Positive is the type of all Int values that are
// greater than zero.

// If the parameter does not satisfy the predicate, we get a meaningful
// compile error:
scala> refineMT[Positive](-5)
<console>:34: error: Predicate failed: (-5 > 0).

// refineMT is a macro and only works with literals. To validate
// arbitrary (runtime) values we can use the refineT function:
scala> refineT[Positive](5)
res1: Either[String, Int @@ Positive] = Right(5)

scala> refineT[Positive](-5)
res2: Either[String, Int @@ Positive] = Left(Predicate failed: (-5 > 0).)

Note that @@ is shapeless' type for tagging types.

refined also contains inference rules for converting between different refined types. For example, Int @@ Greater[_10] can be safely converted to Int @@ Positive because all integers greater than ten are also positive. The type conversion of refined types is a compile-time operation that is provided by the library:

import eu.timepit.refined.implicits._
import shapeless.nat._
import shapeless.tag.@@

scala> val a: Int @@ Greater[_5] = refineMT(10)
a: Int @@ Greater[_5] = 10

// Since every value greater than 5 is also greater than 4, a can be ascribed
// the type Int @@ Greater[_4]:
scala> val b: Int @@ Greater[_4] = a
b: Int @@ Greater[_4] = 10

// An unsound ascription leads to a compile error:
scala> val c: Int @@ Greater[_6] = a
<console>:34: error: invalid inference: Greater[_5] ==> Greater[_6]
       val b: Int @@ Greater[_6] = a

This mechanism allows to pass values of more specific types (e.g. Int @@ Greater[_10]) to functions that take a more general type (e.g. Int @@ Positive) without manual intervention.

More examples

import shapeless.{ ::, HNil }
import eu.timepit.refined.boolean._
import eu.timepit.refined.char._
import eu.timepit.refined.collection._
import eu.timepit.refined.generic._
import eu.timepit.refined.string._

scala> refineMT[NonEmpty]("Hello")
res2: String @@ NonEmpty = Hello

scala> refineMT[NonEmpty]("")
<console>:27: error: Predicate isEmpty() did not fail.

scala> type ZeroToOne = Not[Less[_0]] And Not[Greater[_1]]
defined type alias ZeroToOne

scala> refineMT[ZeroToOne](1.8)
<console>:27: error: Right predicate of (!(1.8 < 0) && !(1.8 > 1)) failed: Predicate (1.8 > 1) did not fail.

scala> refineMT[AnyOf[Digit :: Letter :: Whitespace :: HNil]]('F')
res3: Char @@ AnyOf[Digit :: Letter :: Whitespace :: HNil] = F

scala> refineMT[MatchesRegex[W.`"[0-9]+"`.T]]("123.")
<console>:34: error: Predicate failed: "123.".matches("[0-9]+").

// The implicits object contains an implicit version of refineMT which is
// used here to validate that the right-hand side is equal to '3' (obviously
// there is only one value satisfying this predicate):
scala> val d1: Char @@ Equal[W.`'3'`.T] = '3'
d1: Char @@ Equal[Char('3')] = 3

scala> val d2: Char @@ Digit = d1
d2: Char @@ Digit = 3

scala> val d3: Char @@ Letter = d1
<console>:34: error: invalid inference: Equal[Char('3')] ==> Letter
       val d3: Char @@ Letter = d1

scala> val r1: String @@ Regex = "(a|b)"
r1: String @@ Regex = (a|b)

scala> val r2: String @@ Regex = "(a|b"
<console>:40: error: Regex predicate failed: Unclosed group near index 4
       val r2: String @@ Regex = "(a|b"

scala> val u1: String @@ Url = "htp://example.com"
<console>:40: error: Url predicate failed: unknown protocol: htp
       val u1: String @@ Url = "htp://example.com"

Note that W is a shortcut for shapeless.Witness which provides syntax for singleton types.


The latest version of the library is 0.2.0, which is available for Scala and Scala.js version 2.11.

If you're using SBT, add the following to your build:

libraryDependencies += "eu.timepit" %% "refined" % "0.2.0"

Or for Scala.js:

libraryDependencies += "eu.timepit" %%% "refined" % "0.2.0"

Instructions for Maven and other build tools are available at search.maven.org.

Release notes for the latest version are available in 0.2.0.markdown.


API documentation of the latest release is available at: http://fthomas.github.io/refined/latest/api/

There are also further (type-checked) examples in the docs directory including one for defining custom predicates.


refined basically consists of two parts, one for refining types with type-level predicates and the other for converting between different refined types.


The refinement machinery is built of:

  • Type-level predicates for refining other types, like UpperCase, Positive, or LessEqual[_2]. There are also higher order predicates for combining proper predicates like And[_, _], Or[_, _], Not[_], Forall[_], or Size[_].

  • A Predicate type class for validating a value of an unrefined type (like Double) against a type-level predicate (like Positive).

  • A function refineT and a macro refineMT that take a predicate P and some value of type T, validate this value with a Predicate[P, T] and return the value with type T @@ P if validation was successful or an error otherwise. The return type of refineT is Either[String, T @@ P] while the refineMT returns a T @@ P or compilation fails. Since refineMT is a macro it only works with literal values or constant predicates.

Inference rules

The type-conversions are built of:

  • An InferenceRule type class that is indexed by two type-level predicates which states whether the second predicate can be logically derived from the first. InferenceRule[Greater[_5], Positive] would be an instance of a valid inference rule while InferenceRule[Greater[_5], Negative] would be an invalid inference rule.

  • An implicit conversion defined as macro that casts a value of type T @@ A to type T @@ B if a valid InferenceRule[A, B] is in scope.

Provided predicates

The library comes with these predefined predicates:


  • True: constant predicate that is always true
  • False: constant predicate that is always false
  • Not[P]: negation of the predicate P
  • And[A, B]: conjunction of the predicates A and B
  • Or[A, B]: disjunction of the predicates A and B
  • Xor[A, B]: exclusive disjunction of the predicates A and B
  • AllOf[PS]: conjunction of all predicates in PS
  • AnyOf[PS]: disjunction of all predicates in PS
  • OneOf[PS]: exclusive disjunction of all predicates in PS


  • Digit: checks if a Char is a digit
  • Letter: checks if a Char is a letter
  • LetterOrDigit: checks if a Char is a letter or digit
  • LowerCase: checks if a Char is a lower case character
  • UpperCase: checks if a Char is an upper case character
  • Whitespace: checks if a Char is white space


  • Contains[U]: checks if a TraversableOnce contains a value equal to U
  • Count[PA, PC]: counts the number of elements in a TraversableOnce which satisfy the predicate PA and passes the result to the predicate PC
  • Empty: checks if a TraversableOnce is empty
  • NonEmpty: checks if a TraversableOnce is not empty
  • Forall[P]: checks if the predicate P holds for all elements of a TraversableOnce
  • Exists[P]: checks if the predicate P holds for some elements of a TraversableOnce
  • Head[P]: checks if the predicate P holds for the first element of a Traversable
  • Index[N, P]: checks if the predicate P holds for the element at index N of a sequence
  • Last[P]: checks if the predicate P holds for the last element of a Traversable
  • Size[P]: checks if the size of a TraversableOnce satisfies the predicate P
  • MinSize[N]: checks if the size of a TraversableOnce is greater than or equal to N
  • MaxSize[N]: checks if the size of a TraversableOnce is less than or equal to N


  • Equal[U]: checks if a value is equal to U
  • ConstructorNames[P]: checks if the constructor names of a sum type satisfy P
  • FieldNames[P]: checks if the field names of a product type satisfy P
  • Subtype[U]: witnesses that the type of a value is a subtype of U
  • Supertype[U]: witnesses that the type of a value is a supertype of U


  • Less[N]: checks if a numeric value is less than N
  • LessEqual[N]: checks if a numeric value is less than or equal to N
  • Greater[N]: checks if a numeric value is greater than N
  • GreaterEqual[N]: checks if a numeric value is greater than or equal to N
  • Positive: checks if a numeric value is greater than zero
  • NonPositive: checks if a numeric value is zero or negative
  • Negative: checks if a numeric value is less than zero
  • NonNegative: checks if a numeric value is zero or positive
  • Interval[L, H]: checks if a numeric value is in the interval [L, H]


  • EndsWith[S]: checks if a String ends with the suffix S
  • MatchesRegex[R]: checks if a String matches the regular expression R
  • Regex: checks if a String is a valid regular expression
  • StartsWith[S]: checks if a String starts with the prefix S
  • Uri: checks if a String is a valid URI
  • Url: checks if a String is a valid URL
  • Uuid: checks if a String is a valid UUID
  • Xml: checks if a String is valid XML
  • XPath: checks if a String is a valid XPath expression


  • Your name here :-)

Projects using refined

If you have a project that uses the library to enforce more static guarantees and you'd like to include in this list, please open a pull request or mention it in the Gitter channel and we'll add a link to it here.

  • Your project here :-)

Related projects

This library is inspired by the refined library for Haskell. It even stole its name! Another Scala library that provides type-level validations is bond.


refined is licensed under the MIT license, available at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT and also in the LICENSE file.