
Simple implantation of blockchain with consensus algorithm

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A blockchain linker to help understand hash functions in blockchain

Quick start


  • pip install justblockchain

Creating simple blockchain

>>> from justblockchain import justblockchain
>>> blockchain = justblockchain.Blockchain()
>>> blockchain.add_block("some block content")

#display the blockchain
>>> blockchain.chain
[{'previous_hash': '0', 'hash':
'timestamp': 1465154705, 'index': 0, 'data': 'my genesis block!!'},
'816534932c2b7154836da6afc367695e6337db8a921823784c14378abed4f7d7', 'hash':
'timestamp': '1521013680', 'index': 1, 'data': 'some block content'}]

Creating a Block using proof-of-work

>>> from justblockchain import justblockchain
>>> blockchain = justblockchain.Blockchain()
>>> blockchain.difficulty_bits = 20
>>> blockchain.add_block("some block content")
Computing nonce for the block...
Success with nonce 2991544
Hash is 00000fc3d1420243cca17693bcc75334eb9f01b0943772f5d6456e17f3218abc
