
This Python code implements an atmospheric dispersion model for estimating contaminant concentration using the Gaussian plume solution, showcasing the spatial distribution of concentrations released from a single source and their impact on multiple receptor locations.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

## Gaussian Plume Model for Atmospheric Dispersion

This repository contains a Python implementation of the Gaussian Plume Model for atmospheric dispersion of contaminants (PM2.5), along with an inverse modeling approach to estimate emission rates from receptor measurements. The model calculates the contaminant concentration at receptor locations based on emission rates and wind conditions. It assumes 4 sources, which can be customized according to the code that generates an input box. This code works for multiple sources and multiple receptors.

### Code Description

#### Forward Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling (gpm.py)

The main code file `gpm.py` includes the following components:

1. Contaminant Parameters: Set the parameters related to the contaminant being modeled, such as gravitational acceleration, dynamic viscosity of air, density of the contaminant, diameter of particles, deposition velocity, and molar mass of the contaminant.

2. Source and Receptor Data: Define the locations and characteristics of the emission source and receptors where deposition measurements are made. This includes the number of sources, x-y-z coordinates, labels, and emission rates.

3. `gplume` Function: This function computes the contaminant concentration (in kg/m^3) at a given set of receptor locations using the standard Gaussian plume solution. It takes into account the source characteristics, receptor locations, and wind speed.

4. `forward_atmospheric_dispersion` Function: This function calculates and plots the ground-level contaminant concentration contours based on the Gaussian Plume Model. It takes the wind speed as an input and calls the `gplume` function to calculate the concentrations. The resulting contours are displayed using the `matplotlib` library.

#### Inverse Modeling (inverse.py)

The `inverse.py` file introduces an inverse modeling approach to estimate emission rates from observed contaminant concentrations at receptor locations. The key components in this file are:

1. `ermak` Function: This function computes the contaminant concentration at receptor locations using the Ermak dispersion model. It takes into account the emission rates, wind speed, and other parameters.

2. Objective Function: The `objective_function` calculates the difference between predicted and observed contaminant concentrations based on the Ermak model. It sets up an optimization problem to find the optimal emission rates that minimize this difference.

3. Optimization: The `minimize` function from the `scipy.optimize` module is used to find the optimal emission rates that best fit the observed receptor measurements.

### Output and Usage

For forward modeling, the code generates plots showing the contours of ground-level contaminant concentration in mg/m^3. The maximum concentration value is displayed in the plot title. (Use "from gplume import gpm")

For inverse modeling, the code outputs the optimal emission rates that best fit the observed receptor measurements. (Use "from gplume import inverse")

## Code Functioning

  |           Main Menu              |
  |      Forward Modeling            |
  |         Set Parameters            |
  | - Gravitational acceleration      |
  | - Dynamic viscosity of air        |
  | - Density of the contaminant      |
  | - Particle diameter               |
  | - Deposition velocity             |
  | - Molar mass of the contaminant   |
  |   Define Source and Receptor Data |
  | - Number of sources               |
  | - Source coordinates and labels   |
  | - Emission rates for each source  |
  | - Number of receptors             |
  | - Receptor coordinates and labels |
  |        Input Wind Speed           |
  |   Date-Time Mechanism                                   |
  | - Scrape the Date-Time from OpenAQ PM2.5 Data           |
  | - Scrape the Date-Time from OpenWeather wind data       |
  | - Compare both the Date-Time                            |
  | - Select the smallest Date-Time                         |
  | - Extract Wind and PM2.5 Data for the samllest Date-Time|
  |          gplume Function            |
  | - Calculate contaminant             |
  |   concentration at receptors        |
  | - Incorporate source characteristics|
  | - Use wind speed as input           |
  |    Plot Concentration Contours    |
  | - Use matplotlib                  |
  | - Display contours and max        |
  |   concentration in plot title     |
  |       Inverse Modeling            |
  |     Input Observed Concentrations |
  |         ermak Function            |
  | - Calculate predicted             |
  |   concentrations using Ermak model|
  | - Consider emission rates, wind   |
  |   speed, and other parameters     |
  |      Define Objective Function    |
  | - Measure difference between      |
  |   predicted and observed concs    |
  |    Utilize scipy.optimize's       |
  |          minimize Function        |
  | - Find optimal emission rates     |
  |   to minimize difference          |
  | Output Optimal Emission Rates     |
  |               End                |

### Contributing

Contributions to this project are welcome. If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to create a pull request or submit an issue on the GitHub repository.

### Contact

For any inquiries or questions, please contact Vaibhav Vasdev at vaibhavvasdev63@gmail.com.