KoshLinux A Linux From Scratch built-in with tools written in Ruby language. Its currently in development of tool chain build system, that will be used to build a linux system it self. Some of major changes will be implemented in init and run levels systems and base system. In an second redesign, I plan to redefine the linux file system, using an modern and intuitive FS layout, like GoboLinux, but I have no plans to maintain any compatibility or standards. My modifications will includes: - RubyInitd, a intelligent init and monitoring system. - KoshLinux package manager system, based on YML or pure Ruby recipes to build and tar bz files for compiled packages. - Ruby Web Interface to system admin and user preferences. - All using SqLite to store configurations and service informations. - And also managed by command line tools. Features: - Compile source code for package from a Recipe - Really Simple Stupid dependency system implemented current Recipe - Create a complete bootstrap system for compile a base system GNU based on Linux From Scratch Howtos ... Requirements: You need somes packages installed on your system for start build a KoshLinux systems - bash - binutils - bison - yacc - readlink - bzip2 - coreutils - diff - find - gawk - gcc - libc6 - grep - gzip - cat - m4 - make - patch - perl - sed - tar - texinfo - git - ruby Usage: It's simple. Just do: git clone git@github.com:KoshTech/Kosh-Linux.git Then cd into Build folder: cd Kosh-Linux/DevelSystem/Build If you want to use a development branch, do: git checkout devel You can use a lite script to check the Build dependence on you host machine: ./check_requirements.sh Look at messages generated by the script. If no errors are visible, you system is Ok to build process. To start the build, run: ./build_system.rb [WIP]
A Linux Distribuition with tools writen in Ruby. Can a Linux distribution be an MVC WEB application?