
Meteor + jQuery + Blaze + MaterializeCSS + MongoDB

Primary LanguageHTML

Meteor project example - "Customers".

Stack of technologies: Meteor + jQuery + Blaze + MaterializeCSS + MongoDB.

Example project with customers' list, possibilities of adding, editing, deleting. Used Optimistic UI principle. And MongoDB was used as Data Base.

install npm: https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/installing-node

install meteor: https://www.meteor.com/install

$ git clone https://github.com/kosiakMD/meteor_customers.git

$ cd meteor_customers

$ meteor npm install

$ meteor add reactive-dict fourseven:scss materialize:materialize@=0.97.6 aldeed:simple-schema kadira:flow-router kadira:blaze-layout zimme:active-route

$ meteor

For fast add examples start with MongoDB console:

$ meteor mongo

and write the next:

$ db.customers.insert({_id: 'asd123zxc456', name: 'Bill Gates', email: 'bill@microssoft.com', telephone: '380123456789'})