
Flutter architecture comparison

Primary LanguageDart

BLoC vs package:provider vs redux

Compare leading Flutter architecture patterns with the help of:

Flutter architectures comparison app

The idea behind this example application is to implement simple user login flow to demonstrate how specific Flutter architectures behave.

Usage instrunctions

  1. Import the project
  2. Run it
  3. Uncomment the following widgets to see architectures in action:
    • 'ProviderExamplePage' - package:provider example app
    • 'BlocExamplePage' - BLoC example app
    • 'ReduxExamplePage' - redux example app

User interface


Growing complexity of the app calls for more sophisticated tools. In a small, 2 to 3 screen app inherited widget which is built into the Flutter framework might be enough. While the app grows you might consider adding DI to your project and/or change the app architecture altogether.

Package provider allows us to keep state across the app and provides a simple DI solution.

BLoC is more sophisticated and allows clear stream management.

Redux is most complex but on the other hand has a lot of benefits:

  1. Clear data flow
  2. Single store which can be serialized and stored
  3. Easy logging of app events