Lightweight ASP.NET Core MVC framework for fast templating.
Allows to create data tables with paging, filtering, searching and CRUD using a few lines of code.
Technologies used:
ASP.NET Core 2.1
Typescript 3.3
AutoMapper 6.2.2
Bootstrap or Metronic layout. Metronic template is not free, license can be bought here
Implemented features:
Dependency injection using LightInject
Configuration provider – injectable wrapper around app config
Entity Framework Code First, Sql Database provider + Inmemory provider
Database migration manager – applies migrations based on configuration
Database Seed manager – seeds data bases on configuration, supports order of seed data chunks
Logging using Serilog
Generic CSV and Excel parsers.
Test project. Test fixture automatically starts IoC with all application services. Easy to add new ro replace existing service implementations, add custom mappings. Easy to switch between Sql Database provider and Inmemory provider.
To create table with filtering/sorting + CRUD out of the box 10 steps are required:
Create code first model, inherited form EntityBase class:
public class Project : EntityBase
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Acronym { get; set; }
public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }
public long Budget { get; set; }
Create DTO model for the table and domain model for CRUD operations. Models must be inherited from DomainBase class:
public class ProjectDto : DomainBase
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Acronym { get; set; }
public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }
public long Budget { get; set; }
public class ProjectDomain : DomainBase
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Acronym { get; set; }
public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }
public long Budget { get; set; }
Add Mappings:
CreateMap<Project, ProjectDto>();
CreateMap<Project, ProjectDomain>();
CreateMap<ProjectDomain, Project>();
Repository interface and its implementation:
public interface IProjectRepository : IGenericCrudRepository<ProjectDto, ProjectDomain>
public class ProjectRepository : GenericCrudRepository<DataBase, Project, ProjectDto, ProjectDomain>, IProjectRepository
public ProjectRepository(DataBase context) : base(context) {}
Service interface and its implementation:
public interface IProjectService : IGenericCrudService<ProjectDto, ProjectDomain> {}
public class ProjectService : GenericCrudServise<ProjectDto, ProjectDomain>, IProjectService
public ProjectService(IProjectRepository repository) : base(repository) {}
Add MVC Controller:
public class ProjectsController : MasterPageCrudController<ProjectDto, ProjectDomain>
public ProjectsController(IProjectService service) : base(service) {}
protected override string Title => "Projects";
Provide table configuration. This is done by adding _TableConfig.cshtml view:
@model TableViewModel
var descriptor = TableBuilder<ProjectDto>.CreateNew()
.AddColumn(x => x.Name)
.AddColumn(x => x.Acronym)
.AddColumn(x => x.Budget, new RowOptions{ColumnRenderer = new EurRenderer()})
.AddColumn(x => x.StartDate)
.AddColumn(x => x.EndDate)
@await Html.TableAsync(Model, descriptor)
Create form descriptor for Create/Edit operations:
public static class ProjectFormDescriptor
public static FormDescriptor Get(bool isReadonly)
return FormBuilder<ProjectDomain>.CreateNew(isReadonly)
.AddItem(x => x.Name)
.AddItem(x => x.Acronym)
.AddItem(x => x.Budget)
.AddItem(x => x.StartDate)
.AddItem(x => x.EndDate)
Add _DisplayModel.cshtml for Preview/Delele:
@await Html.FormTwoColumnsAsync(ProjectFormDescriptor.Get(true))
Add _EditModel.cshtml for Create/Edit
@await Html.FormTwoColumnsAsync(ProjectFormDescriptor.Get(false))