
Experimental two-level rule compilation using Python HFST

Primary LanguagePython


Experimental two-level rule compilation using Python HFST. For more information, see https://github.com/hfst/python

Rule compiler: twol.py

The Python program twol.py is a rule compiler and tester for rules of simplified two-level model, see https://pytwolc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/formalism.html for more information on the rule formalism and the compiler. The HST package can be loaded using the command:

$ python3 -m pip install hfst

The program twol.py uses and depend on the 'tatsu' Python parser generator by Juancarlo Añez, seee http://tatsu.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html for detailed documentation. You can load and install TaTsu from the net using a command:

$ python3 -m pip install tatsu

The program is prepared to handle input in Unicode, including user percieved graphemes which are combined out of two or more Unicode characters (with a so called code point). In order to recognize such graphemes, an additional package has to be installed:

$ python3 -m pip install grapheme

The compiler needs two files: (1) examples as a FST and (2) a rule file. The human readable examples must be converted into a FST using twexamp.py program.

The compiler is normally executed as follows:

$ python3 twol.py examples.fst rules.twolc

One can get more information by using the --help parameter. More documentation on twol.py can be found at https://pytwolc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/compiletest.html

Converting examples from pair string format into a FST: twexamp.py

The module twexamp.py handles various tasks for the compiler during the compilation process. It is also needed for converting human readable examples into a FST so that ti is not necessary recompile it at every step of testing rules. A recompilation is only needed when the examples are changed. In order to convert examples from a pair string format into a fst you can e.g.:

$ python3 twexamp.py examples.pstr examples.fst

Morphophonemic representations

The sequence of programs parad2words.py, words2zerofilled.py, zerofilled2raw.py and raw2named.py is intended for determining the underlying or morphophonemic representations for word stems. It starts from a table of word forms or paradigms where morphs are separated from each other e.g. by a period (.). See https://pytwolc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/morphophon.html for more information on their use. Each program is run from the command line, and one can get detailed information on the parameters by running the command with a --help argument, e.g.

$ python3 words2zerofilled.py --help

Some of the programs of this sequence need the package orderedset which one can get from the net by

$ python3 -m pip install orderedset

Especially the zero-filling program needs the same package for handling combined graphemes as twol.py uses:

$ python3 -m pip install grapheme

There is a Makefile in the subdirectory parad and examples which may help in testing and using the programs.

Discovering raw rules: twdiscov.py

This program builds tentative or raw rules out of a set of examples. The examples must be given one example per line as a space-separated list of symbol pairs. See https://pytwolc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/twdiscov.html for more information.