This collection of scripts was created for the scope of an assignment in a Optimization-Techniques cource of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki during the 2019-20 academic year. The main purpose of these projects is to give some intuition about how some famous multivariate minimization algorithms work.
- Bisection Method
- Golden Section Method
- Fibonacci Method
- Bisection Derivative Method
- Steepest Descent Method
- Newton's Method
- Levenberg-Marquardt Method
- Conjugate Gradients Method
- Quasi Newton Method
- Barrier Method
- Penalty Method
Minimize Traffic of a road network, given constant or variable input vehicle flow. Genetic Operations implemented:
- Selection
- Crossover
- Mutation
- Elitism
The provided code was created using MATLAB R2019a, however older MATLAB versions should work fine. All of the .m scripts provided, are commented for higher readability and maintenance.