
Recalc Gedmo Tree (Doctrine Behavioral Extensions)

Primary LanguagePHP

Recalc Gedmo Tree Command (Doctrine Behavioral Extensions)

This command was created for Gedmo Doctrine Behavioral Tree Extension.

If your tree has been damaged, the leaves and roots have incorrect values - this command is all you need.

You can easily recalc all the properties of a tree by one command.

How it use?

  1. Install package composer require devpack/gedmo-tree-recalc or copy only command 😉
  2. Add bundle to your bundles.php file



return [
    // ...
    DevPack\GedmoTreeRecalc\GedmoTreeRecalcBundle::class => ['all' => true],
  1. Run your symfony console


php bin/console gedmo:tree:recalc [<YourEntity>]

How test package?

Run this command: ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests

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