
Moviestaden theater is an app to buy tickets to cinema. Build using React hooks, MongoDB, NodeJS and Express

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Actions Status Actions Status
Netlify Status


Frontend for Moviestaden cinema app

Deployed to https://moviestaden.netlify.app/

Built with the MERN stack along with React Context API for state management.


React with hooks JavaScript library for building user interfaces and UI components
Context API for state management in React
Mongoosejs with MongoDB for database management
Express Server back end web application framework for Node.js NodeJS JavaScript runtime environment
Stripe Online payment processing for internet businesses to accept payments from cinema visitors
i18n translation module with dynamic JSON storage to localize app to EN, SV, BY, RU languages
emailj to send emails after ticket purchased
Supertest, Mocha, Chai and Jest for TDD


Download and run backend part of the project: backend

Install all dependencies and create environment variables for frontend app:

$ npm install
$ npm start

Create accounts on TMDB_API,
EMAILJS(account and template for email, SENDGRID)
STRIPE accounts and add variables to .env file in the root directory with the following fields:


User Stories

Visitors of the website can enjoy movies on the Home page. Movies partially fetched from TMDB API and from the Database. Movies are presented with a carousel rows and interactive Movie Cards. Ticket purchases are available for movies from database which are in Movies Now row.


Movie is randomly picked up from the data base and shown in the banner. To proceed to Movie Details page user should click on the movie card or follow to the next page by Buy Tickets button on the banner


User can filter both categories of TMDB and DB movies by using a search on the Moviestaden website


On Movie Details page: visitor can read overview, select available ShowTime and watch youtube movie trailers


Showtimes, which are in the future, are available in the dropdown for the filtering


Once Showtime is chosen user navigates to the Seats Selection page to pick up the best seats before others will do it


After seats are selected user will proceed to Order Confirmation step to enter Email,Name and proceed to checkout page


User is redirected to the Stripe payment page with the pre-populated order details and user email. Payment page is also translated according to the selected language


After the payment session is completed user will be redirected to the localized Failure or Success page with the ticket details.


Email confirmation will be sent to the user after the successful purchase
