
Web Application to manage small communities of (organic) food consumer's cooperation. Based on Laravel & CanJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Web Application to manage small communities of (organic) food consumer's cooperation. Based on Laravel & CanJS.


Since this software will be developed primary for a German asociation we will keep discussions (at first) in German. Code though will be commented in English, eventually. It is not thought to give support to this piece of software, although everyone is free to contribute. This might be a very specialized WebApplication, so until it will be finished (when it's done) we will follow the specifications of biokiste.org


It is thought to use

  • Laravel for the backend and HTML generation.
  • CanJS for the client-side frontend.
  • Bootstrap is used as CSS-Framework

Features / Aims of the App

Member Management

  • Members are groups of individuals (Users) that live physically at the same address.
  • Members are organized in MemberGroups (i.E. administration or service groups for different community tasks)
  • Members can have MemberStates, which can define a classification of fees to pay.
  • Members are subject to fees, such as a quarter-year-fee or an initial admission or credit to the FoodKoop. Those will be noted in the MemberLedger (Mitgliedskonto)
  • Members can sign up to service tasks in a Roster (Dienstplan). The tasks that should be done should result from their MemberGroup
  • Fullfillment of the member's duties as well as the ledger should be easily monitored.

Order Management

  • Members can do Orders to suit their needs of consumption.
  • Orders are made off a Product-catalogue, that holds products of different Merchants (Anbieter).
  • Orders can have OrderStates

Release History


  • Fixed Problem with table irregularities in Product page
  • Re-Activated Quick-Order Button in Product page


  • Fixed Problem with mass assignment on unique ids. (Problem with str_replace in way/model)
  • Member GroupUID attribute added in Views
  • Order - single order view reformed. Now using bootstrap icons and button classes.
  • Order - bulk order view reformated. Now calculating FINAL PRICE in view.
  • Order - XLS Download hooked to form.
  • Improved Search on New Order Form
  • Added Fields for BNN3 Format (preparation for import)
  • Table for Order will be downloaded on click.
  • Table for Order can be downloaded again on demand.
  • Table for Commissioners will be downloaded on demand.
  • Some Layout enhancements.
  • Negative Ledger Balance now shows up in red.
  • Cleaned up ORDER and MEMBER view
  • Bugfixes in USER / MEMBER ADD Forms


  • Added Column TransactionTypeId to member ledger
  • Added Table TransactionTypes to app


  • Changed Email Start from "Lieber" to "Hallo"
  • Email template for welcome mail is now set by config (to distinguish migration message from NEW memeber message)
  • Email notification will be sent to admin when new member is created.
  • Bugfixes in adding, editing and deleting USER.
  • Orders can now be bulk deleted
  • New Mail Event when bulk deletion happens
  • some CSS changes


  • Fixed issue with email templates (order list)
  • Added staging environment with mailtrap
  • Added support for prices including surcharge


  • Fixed Issue with updating validated Models (added way/model into trunk)
  • Fixed Issue with {!! $VAR !!} to show unescaped output
  • Fixed Issue with TASK-Creator (better creation rules and fixed seed)


  • Fixed Issue where members without "Starteinlage" and without any ledger balance were getting a fatal error.
  • Fixed Issue when running command tasks:create Show error message when no task is assigned.
  • Fixed Issue with route. Now can configure the javascript routing prefix in start/global.php
  • Dashboard: Rendering of contents (blog article now directly into the HTML, no JS).
  • Seed for content and tasks installed


  • Bugfixes on Migration (can now be performed perfectly including migration of old table data).
  • i+1 on order states (order state id can not be 0)
  • Commands: Promote / Unpromote / PW-Change on User


  • NEWS Display on Dashboard
  • NEWS Section: CRUD now Possible
  • Public Page stubs generated
  • Public Pages Menu generated
  • Put API under auth-only


  • Bugfix on E-Mail Template
  • ORDERS: Made Emails to send during state change
  • ADDED COMMAND to quick-edit settings
  • CREATED eventListeners Folder
  • Moved eventListeners.php into eventListeners/
  • Moved Events that produce mail to mailListeners.php
  • LEDGER: Emails fired on Ledger Transaction


  • Added Migration on Settings including SEED
  • Added Migration on Contents and ContentTypes including SEED
  • Added Model "Setting"
  • Added Model "Content"
  • Added Model "ContentTypes"
  • Created Email-Template for taskFreed, newUser, membershipChanged, ledgerDeducted, orderArrived
  • Added virtual attribute "name" to UserModel


  • Added stubs for event emails to email view folder.
  • Added versatile templates to email view folder.
  • Applied Stub for "Email bei Bestellt"


  • Added Task to deduct balance from the ledger.


  • Debugged ProductCreate (click on "Produkt Hinzufügen")
    • BUG: Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
  • Direct Ordering in Product View only for admin
  • Switching product_state only for admin
  • can now delete products (when no open orders found)
  • deleted orders and products are removed from list view.
  • on product create form is now cleared, form tab is opened
  • detail order view is hidden.


  • Added basic functionality to hide admin-views for non-admins in tasks, users, orders


    • MyTasks put into CanJs: Possible view and delete myTasks
    • Upcoming Tasks put into CanJs: Possible to view and assign to Task
  • Added Sort-Plugin to app.js
  • Added Routing for MyTasks and Upcoming Tasks in Dashboard
  • When member removes himself from task event is fired


    • MyOrders put into CanJs (Delete Order now possible)
    • Marketplace put into CanJs (Add to MyOrders now possible)
    • Marketplace and MyOrders affect each other in CanJs View
  • Changed Marketplace view into waiting (<3) from open (<100)
  • Added Routing for MyOrders and upcoming orders


  • Added Buttons to Dashboard


  • Flash Message Bootstrapified
  • TASKS View updated: Tasks now can be assigned to member
    • Selectbox now bound
    • Implemented setActive on Client
    • Implemented update() on Server


  • Added Calendar View to Tasks
  • Added Read View for Calendar Events
  • Created Command to create Tasks from CLI


  • Added basic create &delete on tasktypes


  • CREATE and INDEX view-scaffold for TaskTypes


  • Create migration for TASKS
  • Created TASK Model, Controller, js and blades


  • Add Widget to Dashboard
    • Total Balance
    • Einlage
    • Letzte Vorgänge
  • On Create.success in user.js reset form and throw succes!
  • Validation Response in MembersController::create
  • Init Ledger on Member Create
  • Ledger Add Today into date field

2015-03-10 rev. 2

  • User import with password in migration
  • Replaced Password-Hashing to event
  • Added event listener for setState (Order)
  • Email for New Users (on Migration and on Create through app)
  • Added latest Ledger Action to Dashboard
  • Added Balance and Given Credit Information to Dashboard


  • Edit Product Attributes after Create


  • Make Product Overview Page
  • Block ordering blocked products with 403
  • Product Filtering in Product View
  • Direct Ordering in Product View


Current ToDos

  • Make Product list paginable

Urgent Tasks

  • Debug XLS-Export on Order
  • Tasks in PAST should not be shown anymore
  • ADD Field "identifier" into model user_groups
  • Make TaskTypes Editable


  • CanJS-ify
    • Ledger
  • Activate Buttons
    • Ledger
  • Solve Problem: When buying from marketplace - remove orders with 0 remaining items.
  • Solve Problem: When adding task to dashboard - re-sort myTasks
  • When unassigning from task: catch event and send to group leader
  • When unassigning from task: send message with reason given!


  • Set Active to
    • grouped View (for admins)
    • newOrder Form (for ordinary members)
  • Add Badges with (number of orders) to Übersicht
  • Redefine All Orders view
    • add Filters
    • add Limit
  • Product Search with more than 3 letters to define better
  • Reorder Orders View Tab: 1. ByProduct 2. All Orders


  • Make "Most famous Products" Page
  • Generate Product XLS File
  • Perform Search for Product Catalogue:
    • Add reload on count only when more than listable items (for larger databases)
  • DELETE not working yet.
  • Add Badges with product.count on product overview
  • After Updating Product also update in list view and product order list
  • Redesign colors: Only on checkbox will have colors indicating the completeness of the order.
  • Email to user and member when order was sent as well as wenn order arrived
    • Do not inform change-applying user
  • CHECK findOr404 in controller
  • Solve Problem: enableInput (products should be editable in order-form)
  • Allow only Admin to edit product attribute! (ZURÜCKGESTELLT)


User Groups

  • CRUD Views for User Groups
  • CHECK findOr404 in controller


  • OnDelete Cascade!
  • CHECK findOr404 in controller

Member Groups

  • CRUD Views for MemberGroups
  • Assign Group Leader


  • Limit Member Ledger Access!!!
  • Add view "Säumige"
  • Seed ledger VWZ Table
  • Connect Ledger VWZ Table with dropdown
  • Add "Undo" Ledger Action
  • Color in TotalBalance must work properly
  • ON Create Succes throw success!
  • Dashboard: See History (more than just latest)
  • Substitution from Ledger every 1/1 4/1 7/1 10/1
  • CHECK findOr404 in controller


  • Close Event
  • View Open Tasks
  • Count and evaluate shifts from members
  • View Member Task History
  • Messages for open Shifts
  • Soft DELETE
  • ICAL List
  • implement 2w 3w 4w 1x 2x 3x 4x
  • CHECK findOr404 in controller


  • Soft DELETE
    • INCLUDING start_time / stop_time comparison
  • ADD "edit" button to list


  • Output of NEWS through mustache without escaping!
  • CRUD View: On Update: Update List


  • Create Dashboard Field to place Request regarding
    • Order
    • Task
  • Create Message Migration
  • Create Message Model
  • Create Message Controller
  • Create Message System
  • Create own EventListener File for Messages and Email

Long Term Backlog

  • Language Files
  • Variable Benutzereinlage (also add in users.blade.php)
  • Create configuration page and configuration table