LeetCode - Java 我的LeetCode刷题记录,大部分会写上注释。 如果能给你带来帮助,希望能给我个star。⭐ 总题数 已解决 简单 中等 困难 852 58 50 8 0 题目列表 # Title Solution Difficulty 1 Two Sum JAVA EASY 2 Add Two Numbers JAVA Medium 7 Reverse Integer JAVA EASY 9 Palindrome Number JAVA EASY 13 Roman to Integer JAVA EASY 19 Remove Nth Node From End of List JAVA Medium 20 Valid Parentheses JAVA EASY 21 Merge Two Sorted Lists JAVA EASY 26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array JAVA EASY 27 Remove Element JAVA EASY 33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array JAVA Medium 34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array JAVA Medium 35 Search Insert Position JAVA EASY 58 Length of Last Word JAVA EASY 61 Rotate List JAVA Medium 66 Plus One JAVA EASY 70 Climbing Stairs JAVA EASY 81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II JAVA Medium 83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List JAVA EASY 88 Merge Sorted Array JAVA EASY 100 Same Tree JAVA EASY 112 Path Sum JAVA EASY 141 Linked List Cycle JAVA EASY 160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists JAVA EASY 167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted JAVA EASY 182 Duplicate Emails JAVA EASY 183 Customers Who Never Order JAVA EASY 189 Rotate Array JAVA EASY 203 Remove Linked List Elements JAVA EASY 204 Count Primes JAVA EASY 206 Reverse Linked List JAVA EASY 217 Contains Duplicate JAVA EASY 237 Delete Node in a Linked List JAVA EASY 263 Ugly Number JAVA EASY 264 Ugly Number II JAVA Medium 292 Nim Game JAVA EASY 344 Reverse String JAVA EASY 349 Intersection of Two Arrays JAVA EASY 350 Intersection of Two Arrays II JAVA EASY 448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array JAVA EASY 509 Fibonacci Number JAVA EASY 535 Encode and Decode TinyURL JAVA Medium 541 Reverse String II JAVA EASY 682 Baseball Game JAVA EASY 704 Binary Search JAVA EASY 709 To Lower Case JAVA EASY 771 Jewels and Stones JAVA EASY 804 Unique Morse Code Words JAVA EASY 844 Backspace String Compare JAVA EASY 876 Middle of the Linked List JAVA EASY 905 Sort Array By Parity JAVA EASY 922 Sort Array By Parity II JAVA EASY 929 Unique Email Addresses JAVA EASY 942 DI String Match JAVA EASY 961 N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array JAVA EASY 976 Largest Perimeter Triangle JAVA EASY 977 Squares of a Sorted Array JAVA EASY 989 Add to Array-Form of Integer JAVA EASY