
🔥 A small library to work with web components

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Atomico is a small experimental library, has a very small implementation of Virtual-dom, uses Jsx, its life cycle is based on Custom Elements and Custom Events


Simplify the existing potential in Custom Elements, by using JSX with a minimum size.

import {h, Element} from "atomico";

class Tag extends Element{
   static get props(){
       return ["name"];
   // This event is executed when the component is added to the document.
   // This event is executed when you delete the document component
   // This event is executed every time the component receives a new property
   // JSX
       return <h1>hola</h1>;

Custom Events

The life cycle of the components created with Atomico is spread through Custom Events, the biggest advantage that this brings is that you can know and interact at all times with the life cycle of the component externally.

let tag = document.createElement("tag-atomico");


You can internally prevent the component from executing the setState function that updates the view, this is achieved through the preventDefault() function associated with the event.


Atomico's life cycle consists of component creation, component elimination and component mutation.

Metodo Argument Descripción
elementMount event:CustomEvent It is executed when the component is added to the document
elementUnmount event:CustomEvent Executed when the component is removed from the document
elementReceiveProps event:CustomEvent Executed when the component receives a new property


The Atomico Jsx is based on the definition of type, for example if an attribute is a function it will be registered as an event, in the opposite case as an attribute.

import {h, Element} from "atomico";

export default class extends Element{
       return <button class="my-class" click={(event)=>console.log(event)}>
           hello ${this.state.title || "world"}


Atomico is already prepared to work with the shadow-dom, for it just initialize in the constructor the component method this.attachShadow({mode:"open"}).

import {h, Element} from "atomico";

export default class extends Element{
        return <button class="my-class">
            <style>{`button{ background : transparent; border:none;}`}</style>
            hello ${this.state.title || "world"}

Note that you can also return an array from render.