- 2
Java 17 support for complex deep cloning
#124 opened by gjevardat - 0
- 1
- 0
#121 opened by zhenghuanghe - 2
java.util.Date cloning error
#118 opened by lsliwko - 3
Version 1.11 not available at Maven Repository?
#117 opened by tedyoung - 16
Java 16 Support
#105 opened by veltrup - 0
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set final java.lang.String field to org.apache.logging.log4j.Level
#120 opened by anyreturn - 1
Illegal reflective access by com.rits.cloning.Cloner$CloneObjectCloner for Timestamp.nanos
#113 opened by johanhaleby - 0
Java module
#116 opened by robertvazan - 8
- 3
why use "I" of interface prefix
#115 opened by zyfsuzy - 0
Bump objenesis to 3.2
#112 opened by skjolber - 0
Avoid throwing and catching ClassNotFoundException for SubList and RandomAccessSubList
#111 opened by sfc-gh-dschumann - 3
About instantiation.
#110 opened by LitnhJacuzzi - 4
- 1
#100 opened by archervanderwaal - 1
download url in wiki/ is 404
#108 opened by ZhenXiongQian - 5
Illegal Reflective Access
#88 opened by trexsatya - 2
- 1
illegal reflective access
#104 opened by rolfschumacher - 6
Latest Release Update?
#99 opened by samyak-jn - 3
Custom cloning
#97 opened - 8
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at com.rits.cloning.Cloner.registerFastCloners(
#90 opened by ramiro-ciocca - 0
Update URL
#66 opened by RobertPaasche - 2
why use synchronizedMap?
#91 opened by doublehero - 1
New version with Changes of PR #93
#94 opened by th8ra4 - 4
#70 opened by lyx0224 - 3
Java 10 Support
#83 opened by a13u - 1 Error: MethodHandle.invoke and MethodHandle.invokeExact are only supported starting with Android O (--min-api 26)
#89 opened by ramiro-ciocca - 1
can't working cloning a big stream.
#84 opened by linzwgit - 1
Cann't Deep Clone tablesaw table object
#82 opened by lonly197 - 1
Upgrade objenesis dependency to 3.0.1
#80 opened by dekobon - 1
Stackoverflow cloning large ConcurrentLinkedQueue
#79 opened by bmsq - 0
- 1
Deep cloning of HashMap fails on Android P
#75 opened by JoshuaJamesOng - 9
Cloner doesn't handle subList properly, results in ConcurrentModificationException
#72 opened by emichael - 2
Add method to disable/clear all fast cloners?
#73 opened by emichael - 2
Issue with ProGuard
#71 opened by adritung - 1
#69 opened by lyx0224 - 0
Enhancement - custom cloning transformer
#67 opened by eladh - 0
Handling primitive values as part of object cloning
#68 opened by eladh - 1
deepClone Error
#64 opened by qingw - 1
#65 opened by eladh - 3
- 4
Support partial cloning
#62 opened by eladh - 3
- 3
#59 opened by djdance - 2
- 1