
Awki is a lightweight wiki written in awk. These are my patches, original here: http://awkiawki.bogosoft.com/

MIT LicenseMIT

AwkiAwki comes from http://awkiawki.bogosoft.com/ .  (See AUTHORS.)  It
is the fastest wiki I've ever used, and the easiest to deploy.  It is
patterned after the original wiki by Ward Cunningham, found at
http://c2.com/cgi/wiki .

This repo is my version, which includes some minor patches.

See AUTHORS for the credits, COPYING for license terms, and INSTALL for
installation instructions.

The differences between the AwkiAwki in this repo and the "stock"
version are as follows:

Features added:
	* RSS feed for recent changes
	* CSS samples for making the wiki look good (or at least different;

	* Silence dd's output; I don't know of a way to do this with
	  GNU's dd without using a tempfile, so we use a tempfile.
	* Always claim the text is UTF-8 instead of leaving it up to the
	  browser, which does the wrong thing usually.

Questionable value:
	* Some doc changes
	* Check the "convert eight spaces to tab" by default, since most
	  browsers don't do tabs by default.

Possible future changes:
	* Per-page RSS feeds
	* Busybox's awk and mawk seem to have issues with AwkiAwki.  I
	  haven't tried nawk.  Fixing this may involve patching the awk
	  implementations rather than AwkiAwki.
	* Make the page regex more permissive.  This is somewhat
	  tedious, as the regex shows up everywhere, but the penalty for
	  false positives is lower than that for false negatives.