- To build docker image:
docker build -t gqrx .
- To build gr-osmosdr: https://skywavelinux.com/gqrx-spyserver-client.html - Take note that you need to use a forked repo that has support for airspy, airspyhf, and spyserver client:
git clone https://github.com/racerxdl/gr-osmosdr
- Use https://discourse.myriadrf.org/t/starter-guide-gqrx-gnuradio3-7-soapy-gr-osmo-full-working-ubuntu-18-04/6151 to see which ubuntu packages to install to start the compile. It will be missing a few
apt install libairspy-dev
type packages. You want to make sure that airspy, airspyhf, soapy&, and spyserver are all enabled after doing the cmake. If not, keepapt install XXX
the lib*-dev packages until it works. - To start pulseaudio receiving daemon on os x - take note of the auth-anonymous=1 argument passed to the module. This allows for any user to send audio to the server and is required to pass audio from the container:
pulseaudio --load="module-native-protocol-tcp auth-anonymous=1" --exit-idle-time=-1 --daemon
- To establish pulseaudio tunnel:
ssh -R 24713:localhost:4713 root@localhost -p 2222
- To start gqrx from within xterm spawned from within Xquartz:
ssh root@localhost -p 2222
thenPULSE_SERVER="tcp:localhost:24713" gqrx
- When you start gqrx you will see all the modules it supports. If you have compiled gr-osmosdr or used the binary in the repo, uninstalled the one that comes with the container
apt remove gr-osmosdr
, you will get output that lists all the modules supported. You need to see airspy, airspyhf, and spyserver. Relevant thread: https://groups.google.com/g/gqrx/c/aVaD2uGi0Ng and https://pastebin.com/MrAnCLhC and https://www.reddit.com/r/RTLSDR/comments/8sgrlc/gqrx_soon_supporting_airspycom_spyservers_it_works/ - The gr-osmosdr.tgz archive contains a compiled version of the plugin with all the soapy, airspy, and spyserver support for the arm64 arch.
Run gqrx with airspy, airspyhf, and spyserver support from a container and export the display and audio to an os x host