- React Ecosystem:
- Project was bootstrapped with create-react-app
- UI-Layer was created with React
- React router was used to implement client-side routing
- State Management is handled with the Context-API (built into React core-library)
- Styled Components were used to create all of the custom CSS
- Communication with the Backend is handled with Axios (REST-API) & Socket.io (Game logic)
- All localized strings and static page content (e.g. privacy policy) is stored in Contentful (cloud-based Headless-CMS) and retrieved via their Content Delivery API
- Node.js & Express.js
- mongoDb is used as the database & mongoose as ORM
- Authentication is implemented with JSON Web Tokens
- Passwords are encrypted with bcrypt
- The client-server communication for the game-logic is implemented with Socket.io
- Uses nodemailer to send out transactional mails via Mailjet SMTP
- Security-packages included to make the application more robust are: helmet, hpp, express-rate-limit & express-mongo-sanitize
(coming soon...)
Set-up either a local mongoDB instance or create a cloud-hosted instance. Save your db username + passsword and the mongoDb connection-string as you will need it for the next step.
Create a free community Contentful-Account and create a new Space. Add two locales (en, de) with "en" being the fallback for the german-locale. Create a Content Delivery API Key and copy your space token and Contentful Delivery API access-token to the clipboard, as you will need it for the next step.
You can use the Contentful CLI to import the space backup from the "contentful"-folder into your own Contentful space. This backup includes all localized key-value pairs and the content of the static pages.
npm install
cd client
npm install
npm run dev
cd client
npm run build
NODE_ENV=production node server.js