The RESTful API for a social media platform.

User Registration and Authentication:

  • Users can register with their email and password to create an account.
  • Users can login with their credentials and receive a token for authentication.
  • Users can logout and invalidate their token.

User Profile:

  • Users can create and update their profile, including profile picture, bio, and other details.
  • Users can retrieve their own profile and view profiles of other users.


  • Users can follow and unfollow other users.
  • Users can view the list of users they are following and the list of users following them.

Post Creation and Retrieval:

  • Users can create new posts with text content and media attachments (e.g., images).
  • Users can retrieve their own posts and posts of users they are following.
  • Users can retrieve posts by hashtags or tittle.

Likes and Comments:

  • Users can like and unlike posts.
  • Users can add comments to posts and view comments on posts.

API Permissions:

  • Only authenticated users can perform actions such as creating posts, liking posts, and following/unfollowing users.
  • Users can update and delete their own posts and comments.
  • Users can update and delete their own profile.

API Documentation:

  • The API well-documented with clear instructions on how to use each endpoint.
  • The documentation include sample API requests and responses for different endpoints.

How to installing using GitHub

  • Clone this repository
  • Create venv: python -m venv venv
  • Activate venv: source venv/bin/activate
  • Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run: python runserver
  • Create user via: user/register
  • Get access token via: user/tokin