Controlling a virtual copter

A simple program for controlling a virtual copter.

Brief description of the program:

The program takes off and directs the copter from point A to point B, after arriving at point B the copter turns to an azimuth (yaw) of 350 degrees and returns to point A. The flight altitude is 100 meters. Flight speed 20 km/h.

How to install and run using GitHub

  • Clone this repository
  • Create venv: python -m venv venv
  • Activate venv: source venv/bin/activate
  • Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Crate ARDUPILOT SITL Simulator (use this link:
  • Launch SITL Simulator use this command:
    1. cd ~/ardupilot/ArduCopter
    2. ../Tools/autotest/ --console --map --out=udpbcast: --location=50.450739,30.461242
  • Run: python


Знімок екрана з 2023-12-13 16-03-34

Flight video recording