
Node.js cross-platform wrapper for UPX - the ultimate packer for eXecutables.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NPM Version Dependency Status JavaScript Style Guide

Node cross-platform wrapper for UPX


$ npm install --save-dev https://github.com/kostya-main/upx


import * as UPX from 'upx';
const upx = new UPX.default(file, {best : true} // see options below)

  /* stats:
  { cmd: 'compress',
    name: 'Compressed.exe',
    fileSize: { before: '1859072', after: '408064' },
    ratio: '21.95%',
    format: 'win32/pe',
    affected: 1 }
}).catch(function (err) {
  // ...


upx(<path>, {options}) : path is the absolute path to the file to compress/decompress.

.output(<output>) : path to the output file.

.start() : Start the compress/decompress process.


The options below can be true or false.

Option Description
faster compress faster
better compress better
best compress best (can be slow for big files)
decompress decompress
list list compressed files
force force compression of suspicious files
lzma try LZMA [slower but tighter than NRV]
brute try all available compression methods & filters (slow)
ultraBrute try even more compression variants (very slow)
overlayCopy copy any extra data attached to the file (default)
overlayStrip strip any extra data attached to the file (dangerous)
overlaySkip don't compress a file with an overlay
8086 make compressed sys work on any 8086 (for dos)
noReloc put no relocations in to the exe header (for dos)
8bit uses 8 bit size compression (default: 32 bit)
8mibRam 8 megabyte memory limit (default 2MiB)


Rocco Musolino (@roccomuso)
