An external script and template for getting Whatsminer M3 metrics into Zabbix.
Script is using Cgminer API.
I'm using Whatsminer M3 with low-power firmware, so all triggers setup for lower hashrate (~9 Th)
- Fan In & Out
- GH/S (RT 5s)
- GH/S (Average)
- Tempreture
- Elapsed time
- Uptime
- ICMP ping
- Temp > 85 --> High temp on {HOST.NAME}
- GH/s (Average) < 8.5 TH --> Low average hashrate ({ITEM.LASTVALUE}) on {HOST.NAME}
- ICMP ping --> {HOST.NAME} is unavailable by ICMP
- Uptime <= 0 --> {HOST.NAME} has just been restarted
- Elapsed <= 180 --> {HOST.NAME} Cgminer has just been restarted
What you can take from summary (if you want!):
"SUMMARY": [ { "Accepted": 42328, "Best Share": 258988397, "Device Hardware%": 0.0007, "Device Rejected%": 0.038, "Difficulty Accepted": 346972160.0, "Difficulty Rejected": 131072.0, "Difficulty Stale": 0.0, "Discarded": 1163316, "Elapsed": 175700, "Fan Speed In": 2700, "Fan Speed Out": 2730, "Fan set_get_err_turnoff_threshold": 15, "Found Blocks": 0, "Get Failures": 0, "Getworks": 6281, "Hardware Errors": 2379, "Last getwork": 1549868976, "Local Work": 740990848, "MHS 15m": 8344447.22, "MHS 1m": 8566004.91, "MHS 5m": 8390624.45, "MHS 5s": 8703172.47, "MHS av": 8431652.53, "Network Blocks": 306, "Pool Rejected%": 0.0378, "Pool Stale%": 0.0, "Rejected": 16, "Remote Failures": 0, "Stale": 0, "Temperature": 79.5, "Total MH": 1481442755346.0, "Uptime": 180198, "Utility": 14.45, "Voltage": 20, "Work Utility": 117789.06, "fan[0] set_get_err_turnoff_count": 0, "fan[1] set_get_err_turnoff_count": 0, "fan_stop_count": 0, "fan_stop_turnoff_threshold": 5, "fan_stop_turnoff_times": 0, "freq_avg": 471, "freq_max": 485, "freq_min": 455 }'''
- Python 2 or 3
- Python Requests
- Zabbix 4.0
- Download whatsminer-zbx-chk and whatsminer_zbx_template.xml
- Put whatsminer-zbx-chk into ExternalScript location (You will find it in zabbix_server configuration)
- Make whatsminer-zbx-chk executable (
chmod 755 whatsminer-zbx-chk
) - Import whatsminer-zbx-template into zabbix
- Add Whatsminer as Zabbix Host.
- Link template to your ASICs
You cant test whatsminer-zbx-chk from CLI
./whatsminer-zbx-chk %HOST% %metrics%
Something like this:
./whatsminer-zbx-chk M3_hostname 'MHS av'
If you want :)
BTC: 1KMNPXdZ7yFMgQvBUvv1koz3yLBfHCgZv2
Thank you!