
Personal website of Marc Mintel

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Personal website of Marc Mintel.

🏆 Badges


David GitHub Workflow Status GitHub Workflow Status codecov

Code quality

Quality Gate Status Maintainability Rating Security Rating Reliability Rating Vulnerabilities Code Smells


Uptime Robot status Uptime Robot ratio (30 days)


GitHub Workflow Status GitHub Workflow Status

⚙️ Infrastructure

🧰 Tools

🚀 Getting started

First of all you need to have node and npm (or yarn) installed on your machine.

Then, you can clone this repository and run the following commands inside the project folder:

  1. npm install or yarn;
  2. yarn dev;

To view the project you can open http://localhost:3000.

📘 Usage

  • yarn dev: starts the dev server
  • yarn build: builds production ready files
  • yarn start: starts a production server
  • yarn lint: lints all js files using eslint
  • yarn format: formats all files using prettier
  • yarn test: runs tests once with jest
  • yarn test:ci: runs tests once with jest in continuous integration mode
  • yarn watch: runs tests with jest and reruns on changes
  • yarn tsc: compiles typescript

📝 License

This project is not licensed at all for the public domain.

You can:

  • View the code and learn from it
  • Clone or download the project
  • Build or run the project
  • Try or test the project
  • Store or delete the entire project on your own physical disk

You can not:

  • Make changes or modify the project
  • Re-upload the project on the internet
  • Re-submit the project to any market place
  • Copy & paste the files or code to any other project

Made with ☕️ by Marc Mintel