
MisterFusion is Swift DSL for AutoLayout. It is the extremely clear, but concise syntax, in addition, can be used in both Swift and Objective-C. And support Size Class.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Platform Language Version Carthage compatible License

ManiacDev.com referred.

MisterFusion makes more easier to use AutoLayout in Swift & Objective-C code.


  • Simple And Concise Syntax
  • Use in Swift and Objective-C
  • Support Size Class
  • Support Swift3 (If you want to use it in Swift3, please use 2.0.0-beta)

MisterFusion Code for Swift

let view = UIView()
self.view.addLayoutSubview(view, andConstraints:
    view.Top    |+| 10,
    view.Right  |-| 10,
    view.Left   |+| 10,
    view.Bottom |-| 10

Ordinary Code for Swift

This is same implementation as above code, but this is hard to see.

let view = UIView()
view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
    NSLayoutConstraint(item: view, attribute: .Top,    relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: self.view, attribute: .Top,    multiplier: 1, constant:  10),
    NSLayoutConstraint(item: view, attribute: .Right,  relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: self.view, attribute: .Right,  multiplier: 1, constant: -10),
    NSLayoutConstraint(item: view, attribute: .Left,   relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: self.view, attribute: .Left,   multiplier: 1, constant:  10),
    NSLayoutConstraint(item: view, attribute: .Bottom, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: self.view, attribute: .Bottom, multiplier: 1, constant: -10),

MisterFusion Code for Objective-C

UIView *view = [UIView new];
[self.view addLayoutSubview:view andConstraints:@[
    view.Top   .Constant(10.0f),
    view.Right .Constant(-10.0f),
    view.Left  .Constant(10.0f),

Ordinary Code for Objective-C

This is same implementation as above code, but this is hard to see.

UIView *view = [UIView new];
view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
[self.view addSubview: view];
[self.view addConstraints:@[
    [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:view attribute:NSLayoutAttributeTop    relatedBy:NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem:self.view attribute:NSLayoutAttributeTop    multiplier:1.0f constant:10.0f],
    [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:view attribute:NSLayoutAttributeRight  relatedBy:NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem:self.view attribute:NSLayoutAttributeRight  multiplier:1.0f constant:-10.0f],
    [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:view attribute:NSLayoutAttributeLeft   relatedBy:NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem:self.view attribute:NSLayoutAttributeLeft   multiplier:1.0f constant:10.0f],
    [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:view attribute:NSLayoutAttributeHeight relatedBy:NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem:self.view attribute:NSLayoutAttributeHeight multiplier:0.5f constant:-15.0f]

Sample Layout

If you want to realize layout like a above image, needed code is only this.

let redView = UIView()
redView.backgroundColor = .redColor()
self.view.addLayoutSubview(redView, andConstraints:
    redView.Top   |+| 10,
    redView.Right |-| 10,
    redView.Left  |+| 10

let yellowView = UIView()
yellowView.backgroundColor = .yellowColor()
self.view.addLayoutSubview(yellowView, andConstraints:
    yellowView.Top    |==| redView.Bottom |+| 10,
    yellowView.Left   |+|  10,
    yellowView.Bottom |-|  10,
    yellowView.Height |==| redView.Height

let greenView = UIView()
greenView.backgroundColor = .greenColor()
self.view.addLayoutSubview(greenView, andConstraints:
    greenView.Top    |==| redView.Bottom    |+| 10,
    greenView.Left   |==| yellowView.Right  |+| 10,
    greenView.Bottom |-|  10,
    greenView.Right  |-|  10,
    greenView.Width  |==| yellowView.Width,
    greenView.Height |==| yellowView.Height



MisterFusion is available through CocoaPods. If you have cocoapods 0.39.0 or greater, you can install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "MisterFusion"

In addtion, import MisterFusion like this.

import MisterFusion
#import <MisterFusion/MisterFusion-Swift.h>


If you’re using Carthage, simply add MisterFusion to your Cartfile:

github "szk-atmosphere/MisterFusion"

Make sure to add MisterFusion.framework to "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" and "copy-frameworks" Build Phases.

Advanced Setting

You can set multiplier, constant and priority like this. (This is same implementation as first example.)


self.view.addLayoutSubview(view, andConstraints:
    view.Top    |==| self.view.Top    |*| 1 |+| 10 |<>| UILayoutPriorityRequired,
    view.Right  |==| self.view.Right  |*| 1 |-| 10 |<>| UILayoutPriorityRequired,
    view.Left   |==| self.view.Left   |*| 1 |+| 10 |<>| UILayoutPriorityRequired,
    view.Bottom |==| self.view.Bottom |*| 1 |-| 10 |<>| UILayoutPriorityRequired


[self.view addLayoutSubview:view andConstraints:@[
    view.Top   .Equal(self.view.Top)   .Multiplier(1.0f).Constant(10.0f) .Priority(UILayoutPriorityRequired),
    view.Right .Equal(self.view.Right) .Multiplier(1.0f).Constant(-10.0f).Priority(UILayoutPriorityRequired),
    view.Left  .Equal(self.view.Left)  .Multiplier(1.0f).Constant(10.0f) .Priority(UILayoutPriorityRequired),

For Swift


  • |==|, |<=|, |>=| ... NSLayoutRelation and fixed Height and Width
  • |*|, |/| ... multiplier
  • |+|, |-| ... constant
  • |<>| ... UILayoutPriority
  • |=| ... For fixed Height and Width (deprecated since 1.1.0, use |==|)
  • <|> ... UIUserInterfaceSizeClass for VerticalSizeClass
  • <-> ... UIUserInterfaceSizeClass for VerticalSizeClass
  • -=- ... Identifier

UIView Extensions

public func addLayoutConstraint(misterFusion: MisterFusion) -> NSLayoutConstraint?
public func addLayoutConstraints(misterFusions: MisterFusion...) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]
public func addLayoutConstraints(misterFusions: [MisterFusion]) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]
public func addLayoutSubview(subview: UIView, andConstraint misterFusion: MisterFusion) -> NSLayoutConstraint?
public func addLayoutSubview(subview: UIView, andConstraints misterFusions: [MisterFusion]) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]
public func addLayoutSubview(subview: UIView, andConstraints misterFusions: MisterFusion...) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]
public func insertLayoutSubview(subview: UIView, atIndex index: Int, andConstraint misterFusion: MisterFusion) -> NSLayoutConstraint?
public func insertLayoutSubview(subview: UIView, atIndex index: Int, andConstraints misterFusions: [MisterFusion]) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]
public func insertLayoutSubview(subview: UIView, atIndex index: Int, andConstraints misterFusions: MisterFusion...) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]
public func insertLayoutSubview(subview: UIView, belowSubview siblingSubview: UIView, andConstraint misterFusion: MisterFusion) -> NSLayoutConstraint?
public func insertLayoutSubview(subview: UIView, belowSubview siblingSubview: UIView, andConstraints misterFusions: [MisterFusion]) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]
public func insertLayoutSubview(subview: UIView, belowSubview siblingSubview: UIView, andConstraints misterFusions: MisterFusion...) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]
public func insertLayoutSubview(subview: UIView, aboveSubview siblingSubview: UIView, andConstraint misterFusion: MisterFusion) -> NSLayoutConstraint?
public func insertLayoutSubview(subview: UIView, aboveSubview siblingSubview: UIView, andConstraints misterFusions: [MisterFusion]) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]
public func insertLayoutSubview(subview: UIView, aboveSubview siblingSubview: UIView, andConstraints misterFusions: MisterFusion...) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

Array Extensions

public func firstItem(view: UIView) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]    
public func firstAttribute(attribute: NSLayoutAttribute) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]   
public func relation(relation: NSLayoutRelation) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]  
public func secondItem(view: UIView) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]    
public func secondAttribute(attribute: NSLayoutAttribute) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

You can get added NSLayoutConstraint with those functions. This is a example.

let bottomConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint = self.view.addLayoutSubview(view, andConstraints:
    view.Top    |+| 10,
    view.Right  |-| 10,
    view.Left   |+| 10,
    view.Bottom |-| 10

You can use Size Class with func traitCollectionDidChange(previousTraitCollection: UITraitCollection?).

This is an example Regular, Compact size for iPhone6s+.

override func traitCollectionDidChange(previousTraitCollection: UITraitCollection?) {
    guard let whiteView = whiteView, redView = redView else { return }
    if let whiteViewHeightConstraint = whiteViewWidthConstraint {
    self.whiteViewWidthConstraint = redView.addLayoutConstraints(
        whiteView.Width |-| 20 <|> .Compact <-> .Regular,
        whiteView.Width |*| 0.5 |-| 10 <|> .Regular <-> .Compact
  • A detail sample is here

For Objective-C

Readonly Blocks

@interface MisterFusion : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) MisterFusion * __nullable (^ __nonnull Equal)(MisterFusion * __nonnull);
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) MisterFusion * __nullable (^ __nonnull LessThanOrEqual)(MisterFusion * __nonnull);
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) MisterFusion * __nullable (^ __nonnull GreaterThanOrEqual)(MisterFusion * __nonnull);
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) MisterFusion * __nullable (^ __nonnull Multiplier)(CGFloat);
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) MisterFusion * __nullable (^ __nonnull Constant)(CGFloat);
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) MisterFusion * __nullable (^ __nonnull NotRelatedEqualConstant)(CGFloat);
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) MisterFusion * __nullable (^ __nonnull NotRelatedLessThanOrEqualConstant)(CGFloat);
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) MisterFusion * __nullable (^ __nonnull NotRelatedGreaterThanOrEqualConstant)(CGFloat);
//@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) MisterFusion * __nullable (^ __nonnull NotRelatedConstant)(CGFloat); (deprecated since 1.1.0, use NotRelatedEqualConstant)
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) MisterFusion * __nullable (^ __nonnull Priority)(UILayoutPriority);
//UIUserInterfaceSizeClass for HorizontalSizeClass
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) MisterFusion * __nullable (^ __nonnull HorizontalSizeClass)(UIUserInterfaceSizeClass);
//UIUserInterfaceSizeClass for VerticalSizeClass
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) MisterFusion * __nullable (^ __nonnull VerticalSizeClass)(UIUserInterfaceSizeClass);
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) MisterFusion * _Nullable (^ _Nonnull Identifier)(NSString * _Nonnull);

UIView Category

- (NSLayoutConstraint * _Nullable)addLayoutConstraint:(MisterFusion * _Nonnull)misterFusion;
- (NSArray<NSLayoutConstraint *> * _Nonnull)addLayoutConstraints:(NSArray<MisterFusion *> * _Nonnull)misterFusions;
- (NSLayoutConstraint * _Nullable)addLayoutSubview:(UIView * _Nonnull)subview andConstraint:(MisterFusion * _Nonnull)misterFusion;
- (NSArray<NSLayoutConstraint *> * _Nonnull)addLayoutSubview:(UIView * _Nonnull)subview andConstraints:(NSArray<MisterFusion *> * _Nonnull)misterFusions;
- (NSLayoutConstraint * _Nullable)insertLayoutSubview:(UIView * _Nonnull)subview atIndex:(NSInteger)index andConstraint:(MisterFusion * _Nonnull)misterFusion;
- (NSArray<NSLayoutConstraint *> * _Nonnull)insertLayoutSubview:(UIView * _Nonnull)subview atIndex:(NSInteger)index andConstraints:(NSArray<MisterFusion *> * _Nonnull)misterFusions;
- (NSLayoutConstraint * _Nullable)insertLayoutSubview:(UIView * _Nonnull)subview belowSubview:(UIView * _Nonnull)siblingSubview andConstraint:(MisterFusion * _Nonnull)misterFusion;
- (NSArray<NSLayoutConstraint *> * _Nonnull)insertLayoutSubview:(UIView * _Nonnull)subview belowSubview:(UIView * _Nonnull)siblingSubview andConstraints:(NSArray<MisterFusion *> * _Nonnull)misterFusions;
- (NSLayoutConstraint * _Nullable)insertLayoutSubview:(UIView * _Nonnull)subview aboveSubview:(UIView * _Nonnull)siblingSubview andConstraint:(MisterFusion * _Nonnull)misterFusion;
- (NSArray<NSLayoutConstraint *> * _Nonnull)insertLayoutSubview:(UIView * _Nonnull)subview aboveSubview:(UIView * _Nonnull)siblingSubview andConstraints:(NSArray<MisterFusion *> * _Nonnull)misterFusions;

NSArray Category

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSArray * __nonnull (^ __nonnull FirstItem)(UIView * __nonnull);
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSArray * __nonnull (^ __nonnull FirstAttribute)(NSLayoutAttribute);
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSArray * __nonnull (^ __nonnull SecondItem)(UIView * __nonnull);
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSArray * __nonnull (^ __nonnull SecondAttribute)(NSLayoutAttribute);
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSArray * __nonnull (^ __nonnull Reration)(NSLayoutRelation);

You can get added NSLayoutConstraint with those properties. This is a example.

NSLayoutConstraint *bottomConstraint = [self.view addLayoutSubview:view andConstraints:@[
    view.Top   .Constant(10.0f),
    view.Right .Constant(-10.0f),
    view.Left  .Constant(10.0f),

You can use Size Class with - (void)traitCollectionDidChange:(UITraitCollection *)previousTraitCollection.

This is an example Regular, Compact size for iPhone6s+.

- (void)traitCollectionDidChange:(UITraitCollection *)previousTraitCollection {
    [self.redView removeConstraint:self.whiteViewWidthConstraint];
    self.whiteViewWidthConstraint = [self.redView addLayoutConstraints:@[
  • A detail sample is here


  • Xcode 7.0 or greater
  • iOS 8.0 or greater


Taiki Suzuki, s1180183@gmail.com


MisterFusion is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.