
RESTful web service build on Java with Spring Boot and Jersey Framework.

Primary LanguageJava

Java RESTFul Web Service API

Built using:

  • Spring Boot
  • Jersey Framework

Build and Run the application

Follow the steps:

  1. From terminal - Navigate to the root directory where the pom.xml exists
  2. Compile and Package the project - mvn clean install
  3. Navigate to target directory - cd target
  4. Execute the JAR - java -jar WebServicesExercise-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  5. Access the application via - http://localhost:8080/productclient


http://localhost:8080/productclient/product http://localhost:8080/productclient/product/add http://localhost:8080/productclient/album http://localhost:8080/productclient/album/add http://localhost:8080/productclient/image http://localhost:8080/productclient/image/add


  • All my testing was done via Postman.
    • I was able to successfully reach /product, /product/add, /album, /album/add, /image, /image/add
    • I added a product (/product/add) and requested for the products after to see if it was appended to the List - PASS
  • Test classes not included due to having issues with JerseyTest and not being able to process Response/Entity Objects properly.
    • I removed the test classes to avoid errors.

Additional Notes

  • Test classes missing - errors with JerseyTest Implementation
  • AlbumDAO seed data missing Images - setAlbumImages expects a List and I could not find a way to store an Album Object as a List. I cant change the POJO because i generated it using jsonschema2pojo library plugin. When i modified the album.schema.json file - regardless of the type I was not able to active the type of object the compiler was requiring.
  • ImageDAO seed data missing Albums - same applies for setImageAlbums