
Weather station for PIMORONI Inky Impression(5.7")

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

lib directory contents


Weather station for PIMORONI Inky Impression(5.7") https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/inky-impression-5-7

How to install

This app can be installed on a fresh installation of Raspberry Pi OS (Buster). While it may work with other versions of Raspberry Pi OS, I have not tested it on those versions.

Option 1 : Easy install for Raspberry Pi OS(Buster)

This command will install all required libraries also set up a cron job for the superuser. This script may take 10 to 20 minuits on Pi 3 or older☕

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kotamorishi/weather-impression/main/install.sh | bash

Option 2:Manual install

2-1 Install libraries.

To use Pimoroni Inky Impression, install the required Python libraries. Additionally, if you want to draw graphs, you will need to install numpy and matplotlib. For LED notifications, gpiod is also required.

sudo -H pip3 install Pillow
sudo apt -y install libopenjp2-7 libtiff5 libatlas-base-dev
sudo -H pip3 install numpy
sudo -H pip3 install matplotlib
sudo -H pip3 install gpiod
sudo -H pip3 install schedule

2-2 Get your weather information API key

This project uses the OpenWeatherMap API to obtain weather information. To use this API, you will need to obtain an API key with a One Call API 3.0 Subscription. The subscription allows for 1,000 API calls per day for free. You can obtain the API key at openweathermap.org

2-3 Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/kotamorishi/weather-impression.git

2-4 Configure your weather station

copy config.txt.default to config.txt

Update LAT, LON, API_KEY and mode.

# set latitude and longitude for your weather info.

# Your openweathermap API key

# 0:default
# 1:Show warning message, when the warning is in effect
# 2:Graph(temp and air pressure)
# 3:Sunrise/Sunset Icon
# 4:Sunrise/Sunset Graph

# Forecast interval(Hours) MIN:1

# tempture unit metric or imperial

# Font color for hot/cold tempture
# blue
# red

2-5 Set up cron

Open up the cron setting file.

sudo crontab -e

Add this line at the end of cron setting file.

@reboot /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/weather-impression/watcher.py >/dev/null 2>&1

Just for your information, watcher.py is responsible for handling button presses and updating the config.txt file (which includes the mode and one-time message).


Weather icon https://erikflowers.github.io/weather-icons/

Roboto https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto#standard-styles