
Account Class:

The Account class represents an individual bank account and includes data members for the account number, the account holder's name, and the account balance. The constructor is used to initialize the account with these details. Member functions like deposit and withdraw allow for modifying the account balance. Bank Class:

The Bank class is responsible for managing a collection of accounts. It has a vector (std::vector) to store multiple Account objects. The addAccount method allows you to add new accounts to the bank's collection. The displayAccounts method iterates through the accounts and displays their details. The findAccount method is used to search for an account based on its account number. It returns a pointer to the account if found, or nullptr if not found. Main Function:

In the main function, you can create a Bank object and use its methods to manage accounts. You can add accounts using addAccount. You can display account details using displayAccounts. You can search for a specific account using findAccount. Keep in mind that this is a simplified example for educational purposes. In a real-world banking system, you would need to implement more features such as user authentication, transaction history, database integration, and security measures to ensure the safety of financial data. Additionally, error handling and input validation should be added for robustness.