
Opinions board for Svelte

Primary LanguageSvelteApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Opinionsboard Svelte

Is the opinions board component publicly avaiable on NPM, your customers etc. can use to estimate whatever: user profile, car, bike, photo, product. Ready out of the box for Svelte

Is avaiable for commercial?

Yes due to license, you can also buy me a tea

Download from npm

$ npm install @opinions-board/svelte


  1. tailwindcss - When haven't preset install in simply way via
$ npx svelte-add@latest tailwindcss

then/or go to your tailwind.config.cjs and set like:

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config}*/
    const config = {
    content: ['./node_modules/flowbite-svelte/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}', "./node_modules/@opinions-board/svelte/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}"],
    plugins: [require('flowbite/plugin')],
    darkMode: 'class',
    theme: {
        extend: {
        colors: {
            // flowbite-svelte
            primary: {
            50: '#FFF5F2',
            100: '#FFF1EE',
            200: '#FFE4DE',
            300: '#FFD5CC',
            400: '#FFBCAD',
            500: '#FE795D',
            600: '#EF562F',
            700: '#EB4F27',
            800: '#CC4522',
            900: '#A5371B'
    module.exports = config;

How to use

        import OpinionsBorad from "@opinions-board/svelte"

        const opinions = [
                userName: "example user name",
                rating: 5.0,
                content: "ABC "

    <Board {opinions} targetSendOpinion={"http://localhost:5173"}/>


  1. opinions - is a list of opinions objects in scheme
    interface Opinions {
        /** is the user name whose was created a comment */
        userName: string,
        /** is the this user estimation in range 1.0 - 5.0 (float number) */
        rating: number,
        /** the opinion content */
        content: string
  1. targetSendOpinions - is the server address where new opinions will be send in such form
    /* JSON - Will be send as "application/json" */
    interface SendOpinion {
        /** Sender email */
        email: string,
        /** Visible for others user name */
        userName: string,
        /** Comment title */
        title: string,
        /** Comment content */
        content: string
  1. Server when comment is accepted should respond with http status 200 which testifies for commponent that everything is great and user comment will be adding atop others (as fresh one)
  • All such options given in example must be initialized with component




Real word Usecase - Estimation of user profile

Real world usecase

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Apache 2.0