Home Assistant implementation of pynobo as a climate component
As for now you can see and change Operation and Preset for Zones and set eco/comfort temperatures if you have a supported thermostat.
The possible Operation modes are as following:
- Auto - In this mode the Zone is in the Normal setting and Preset shows which state the Zone is in right now (according to calendar setup)
- Heat - In this mode the Zone in in the Override setting and in the state selected by Preset (Away, Eco, Comfort)
This can be utilized the following ways:
- Changing Preset to [Away, Eco, Comfort] will automatically change Operation to Heat
- Changing Preset to None will automatically change Operation to Auto and update Preset
- Changing Operation to Auto will automatically update Preset
- Changing Operation to Heat will set Preset to Comfort
To get started with this superexperimental implementation:
Download the project one of the following ways to [HA config path]/custom_components/nobo_hub:
git clone using ssh:
cd [HA config path] git clone --recursive git@github.com:echoromeo/hanobo.git ./custom_components/nobo_hub
git clone using https:
cd [HA config path] git clone https://github.com/echoromeo/hanobo.git ./custom_components/nobo_hub cd custom_components/nobo_hub git config submodule.pynobo.url https://github.com/echoromeo/pynobo.git git submodule update
or you can download the zip, but then you have to download pynobo as well and unzip it to [HA config folder]/custom_components/nobo_hub/pynobo.
Add the following to your Home Assistant configuration file:
# Nobø Energy Control climate: - platform: nobo_hub host: [your nobø serial] # You can use the 3 last digits if using discovery # ip_address: [your nobø ip] # Uncomment if you do not want discovery
Restart Home Assistant, you will get this warning:
WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom component for nobo_hub.climate which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you do experience issues with Home Assistant.
Play around and figure out what does not work..
If you want some more logging info, add this to your Home Assistant configuration file:
# Extra logging logger: default: warning logs: custom_components.nobo_hub.climate: debug