
Home Assistant implementation of pynobo

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Home Assistant implementation of pynobo as a climate component

As for now you can see and change Operation and Preset for Zones and set eco/comfort temperatures if you have a supported thermostat.

The possible Operation modes are as following:

  • Auto - In this mode the Zone is in the Normal setting and Preset shows which state the Zone is in right now (according to calendar setup)
  • Heat - In this mode the Zone in in the Override setting and in the state selected by Preset (Away, Eco, Comfort)

This can be utilized the following ways:

  • Changing Preset to [Away, Eco, Comfort] will automatically change Operation to Heat
  • Changing Preset to None will automatically change Operation to Auto and update Preset
  • Changing Operation to Auto will automatically update Preset
  • Changing Operation to Heat will set Preset to Comfort

To get started with this superexperimental implementation:

  • Download the project one of the following ways to [HA config path]/custom_components/nobo_hub:

    • git clone using ssh:

      cd [HA config path]
      git clone --recursive git@github.com:echoromeo/hanobo.git ./custom_components/nobo_hub
    • git clone using https:

      cd [HA config path]
      git clone https://github.com/echoromeo/hanobo.git ./custom_components/nobo_hub
      cd custom_components/nobo_hub
      git config submodule.pynobo.url https://github.com/echoromeo/pynobo.git
      git submodule update
    • or you can download the zip, but then you have to download pynobo as well and unzip it to [HA config folder]/custom_components/nobo_hub/pynobo.

  • Add the following to your Home Assistant configuration file:

    # Nobø Energy Control
      - platform: nobo_hub
        host: [your nobø serial] # You can use the 3 last digits if using discovery
    #    ip_address: [your nobø ip] # Uncomment if you do not want discovery
  • Restart Home Assistant, you will get this warning:

    WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom component for nobo_hub.climate which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you do experience issues with Home Assistant.
  • Play around and figure out what does not work..

  • If you want some more logging info, add this to your Home Assistant configuration file:

    # Extra logging
      default: warning
        custom_components.nobo_hub.climate: debug