
Hello World on Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlin

Hello World on Kotlin


  • In directory src/main/kotlin create new Package with name dev.tony.helloworld.
  • Create new file Main.kt.
  • Add @file:JvmName("Main") and package dev.tony.helloworld in Main.kt.

Gradle (build.gradle)

  • Add in plugins id 'application'.
  • Add mainClassName and jar.
mainClassName = 'dev.tony.helloworld.Main'

jar {
    manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': mainClassName

Build and Run

  • RUN: Gradle Tasks -> application -> run (Shift + F10).
  • JAR: Gradle Tasks -> build -> assemble (Build jar file in /build/libs).
  • Run jar file in terminal: java -jar helloworld.jar.

Video guide on Russian https://youtu.be/HCY4KXw7geM

JUnit5 in Gradle

JUnit5 User Guide see Gradle

Add dependencies:

dependencies {

To enable it:

test {

Filtering by tags or engines is also supported:

test {
    useJUnitPlatform {
        includeTags 'fast', 'smoke & feature-a'
        // excludeTags 'slow', 'ci'
        includeEngines 'junit-jupiter'
        // excludeEngines 'junit-vintage'