
Download APK from Google Play or send API requests

Primary LanguageGoOpen Software License 3.0OSL-3.0


Fear plays an interesting role in our lives. How dare we let it motivate us? How dare we let it into our decision-making, into our livelihoods, into our relationships?

It's funny, isn't it, we take a day a year to dress up in costume and celebrate fear?

Spooked (The Office) (2011)

Download APK from Google Play or send API requests

How to install?

This module works with Windows, macOS or Linux. First, download Go and extract archive. Then download GooglePlay and extract archive. Then navigate to googleplay-master/cmd/googleplay, and enter:

go build

Tool examples

Before trying these examples, make sure the Google account you are using has logged into the Play Store at least once before. Also you need to have accepted the Google Play terms and conditions. Create a file containing token (aas_et) for future requests:

googleplay -e EMAIL -p PASSWORD

Create a file containing Android_ID (GSF ID) for future requests:

googleplay -d

Get app details:

PS C:\> googleplay -a com.google.android.youtube
Title: YouTube
Creator: Google LLC
UploadDate: Mar 16, 2022
VersionString: 17.11.34
VersionCode: 1528288704
NumDownloads: 11.562 B
Size: 40.935 MB
Files: 4
Offer: 0 USD

Purchase app. Only needs to be done once per Google account:

googleplay -a com.google.android.youtube -purchase

Download APK. You need to specify any valid version code. The latest code is provided by the previous details command. If APK is split, all pieces will be downloaded:

googleplay -a com.google.android.youtube -v 1528288704


I really need help financially, so if you are able, please donate using the sponsor link. If you cannot use PayPal, let me know, and I can see about adding other methods. Thank you!

