Zygisk - Unity Example

I'm a template showing how to hook Unity games with Zygisk installed. Since Riru is deprecated soon, we are not providing compatibility with Riru and the old version can be found in master branch


  1. Replace module info in module.gradle
  2. Write you codes in hook_main.cpp and hook_main.h
  3. Run gradle task :module:assembleRelease task from Android Studio or command line, zip will be saved in out.


  • DO NOT overwrite android.os.SystemProperties#native_set in core, or your data may be wiped (Detail info) (If you really need to hook this, remember to clear exception)
  • DO NO print log (__android_log_print) in nativeForkAndSpecialize(Pre/Post) nativeForkSystemServer(Pre/Post) when in zygote process, or it may cause zygote not work (magic not confirmed, Detail info)
  • Add -ffixed-x18 to both compiler and linker parameter, or it will cause problems on Android Q (see template)