
Navigation pattern that helps easily setup small-size applications

Primary LanguageSwift



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Lightweight library to construct node-like structure to start flows. Good solution for non-storyboard projects.



Ready to use on iOS 9+

Swift Package Manager

In Xcode go to FilePackagesUpdate to Latest Package Versions and insert url:


or add it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/kotostrophe/CoordinatorKit", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")),


If you prefer not to use any of dependency managers, you can integrate manually. Put Sources/CoordiantorKit folder in your Xcode project. Make sure to enable Copy items if needed and Create groups.


Use Coordinatable protocol as a node to construct tree-like structure.

import CoordinatorKit

final class ApplicationCoordinator: Coordinatable {

Coordinatable protocol requires list of properties and methods that will help you to control the data. All the properties are typed as protocol to achieve dependency inversion principle.

public protocol Coordinatable: AnyObject {
    var rootViewController: UIViewController? { get } // root of view controller (bassically there is UINavigationController)
    var childLocator: CoordinatorLocatorProtocol { get } // object that stores children coordinators
    var parent: Coordinatable? { get } // stores reference to parent coordinator (must be marked as `weak`)

    func start(animated: Bool) // methods that start life cycle of this coordiantor
    func finish(animated: Bool) // method uses to finish all the proceses inside of this coordinator

Example, how can look initial point of application.

final class ApplicationCoordinator: Coordinatable {
    // MARK: - Private properties
    unowned private var window: UIWindow
    // MARK: - Public properties
    var rootViewController: UIViewController? { window.rootViewController }
    var childLocator: CoordinatorLocatorProtocol = CoordinatorLocator()
    weak var parent: Coordinatable?
    // MARK: - Initializers
    init(window: UIWindow) {
        self.window = window
    convenience init(windowScene: UIWindowScene) {
        let window = UIWindow(windowScene: windowScene)
        self.init(window: window)
    // MARK: - Methods
    func start(animated: Bool) {
    func finish(animated: Bool) {

start(animated:) method can be used in different ways. There can be UIViewController that initialize window.rootViewController property or it can be another (child) coordinator that runs his own flow of controllers.

func start(animated: Bool) {

    // child coordinator
    let mainCoordinator = MainCoordinator()
    mainCoordinator.parent = self
    mainCoordinator.start(animated: animated)
    childLocator.push(mainCoordinator, by: "main")

    window.rootViewController = mainCoordinator.rootViewController

    // or controller
    let viewControler = UIViewController()
    window.rootViewController = viewControler

As said below, initial point of application can be started right after application initialization.

import UIKit

final class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate {
    // MARK: - Properties
    var applicationCoordinator: ApplicationCoordinator?
    var window: UIWindow?

    // MARK: - UIWindowSceneDelegate
    func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
        guard let windowScene = scene as? UIWindowScene else { return }
        let window = UIWindow(windowScene: windowScene)
        self.window = window
        let applicationCoordinator = ApplicationCoordinator(window: window)
        self.applicationCoordinator = applicationCoordinator
        applicationCoordinator.start(animated: true)

Example app

In the repository deeplink-responder presented example of coordiantor pattern via using CoordinatorKit. As an addition there was developed deeplink handling mechanism via DeepCoordinatorKit.