
Deploy your ECS Services via Slack!

Primary LanguageRuby

franco - deploy ecs apps via slack

Codacy Badge serverless MIT licensed

About Speko Technologies

Speko was born out of a vision. We believed that cloud technology through AWS would be the future of cloud computing. As we worked toward that goal, we grew our team of motivated experts and began to actually work and improve upon our ideas.

We wanted to share our work with the world, so we started to release tools we have built under MIT licensing. Learn more at https://www.speko.io

Getting Started


Make sure you have the following installed before starting:

The IAM role that is deploying the lambda will need the following permissions:

acm:ListCertificates                *
apigateway:GET                      /domainnames/*
apigateway:GET                      /domainnames/*/basepathmappings
apigateway:DELETE                   /domainnames/*
apigateway:POST                     /domainnames
apigateway:POST                     /domainnames/*/basepathmappings
apigateway:PATCH                    /domainnames/*/basepathmapping
cloudformation:GET                  *
cloudfront:UpdateDistribution       *
route53:ListHostedZones             *
route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets    hostedzone/{HostedZoneId}
route53:GetHostedZone               *
route53:ListResourceRecordSets      *
iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole         arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}: role/aws-service-role/ops.apigateway.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForAPIGateway



Below is a list of Serverless plugins used by this application.

serverless-ruby-package Allows Ruby development for Serverless
serverless-pseudo-parameters Allows us to grab #{AWS::AccountId}, #{AWS::Region} and use CloudFormation resource id as a reference, eg #{myAwesomeResource}
serverless-step-functions This is the Serverless Framework plugin for AWS Step Functions.
serverless-stage-manager Super simple plugin for validating stage names before deployment.
serverless-certificate-creator This serverless plugin creates certificates that you need for your custom domains in API Gateway
serverless-domain-manage Create custom domain names that your lambda can deploy to with serverless. Allows for base path mapping when deploying and deletion of domain names.
# From npm (recommended)
npm install serverless-ruby-package --save-dev
npm install serverless-pseudo-parameters --save-dev
npm install serverless-step-functions --save-dev
npm install serverless-stage-manager --save-dev
npm install serverless-certificate-creator --save-dev
npm install serverless-domain-manager --save-dev

Ruby Gems

Now, install the Ruby packages: bundle instal


To make this application easier to setup, all of the dynamic configuration is in a config.yml file. The example file in in ./example. Copy this file to ./config/.

Parameter Name Default Value Description
APP_NAME franco The name you want to assign to this app. It is referenced in certain places. Also make sure to replace this keyword throughout this configuration file if you change it.
ALLOWED_CHANNELS Examples Restrictions on where users can run write commands, like deployments.
APPLICATIONS_TABLE_NAME staging-franco-applications A Dynamo table where information about ECS applications are stored.
AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER Placeholder Replace this with your AWS Account Number
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION us-east-1 The default region of there this application is deployed to.
AWS_REGIONS us-east-1, eu-west-1, eu-central-1 The regions where you have your ECS services deployed and want to be deployed via this application.
AWS_RETRY_LIMIT 20 An exponential backoff limit - this works well for this application to avoid API RATE LIMITING
CLOUDWATCH_EVENT_PATTERN_ECS The pattern for the CloudWatch Event Rule for ECS Events.
CLOUDWATCH_EVENTS_RULE_ECS_NAME staging-franco-cloudwatch_ecs_event A Cloudwatch Event Rule to send Task Definition changes to an SNS topic. We grab current information about the new task definition and update it's corresponding entry in Dynamo.
CONFIGURATION_VERSION_NAMING_OPTIONS VERSION, PARAM_VERSION, CONFIG_VERSION This app is highly dependent on your ECS Task Definitions containing a parameter defining the configuration version from SSM. You can add/remove options from here.
DEFAULT_NAMING staging-franco Default naming convention - variable is referenced in resources.yml and a few other places.
HOSTED_ZONE_ID (example - Z0000000000000) In order to create a custom sub-domain and ssl certificate, enter the Hosted Zone ID of where you want the sub-domain to be created.
MESSAGES Default messages to be used across this application.
READ_COMMANDS '/version' Commands which are read-only and have no write operations within it. By default, all slack users can run any READ_COMMAND.
ROOT_DOMAIN Placeholder Enter the hosted zone name where you want the sub-domain to be placed.
SUB_DOMAIN franco The sub-domain name that you want. Can be anything.
SLACK_TOKEN Placeholder Enter your Slack Token here (found in your Slack App - api.slack.com). Example format: xoxp-1111111111-222222222222-333333333333-44444444444444444444444444444444
SLACK_VERIFICATION Placeholder Enter your Slack Verification here (found in your Slack App - api.slack.com). Example: AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFF
SNS_TOPIC_NAME staging-franco-applications A SNS topic for the app which is used for Cloudwatch Events and Deployments.
WRITE_COMMANDS '/deploy', '/unlock' Commands which containts write-operations to AWS services.
WRITE_GROUPS Placeholders By default, only these Slack User Groups in the WRITE_GROUPS have access to the WRITE_COMMANDS above.