
Django app for developing vk.com (aka vkontakte.ru largest, Russian social network) iframe applications. Handles user authentication and registration.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Django app for developing vk.com (aka vkontakte.ru largest, Russian social network) iframe applications.

Handles user authentication and registration.


$ pip install django-vkontakte-iframe


  • django-annoying for AutoOneToOneField


  • vkontakte >= for populating cities and countries info via admin action


  1. Register and configure vkontakte iframe application here: http://vkontakte.ru/apps.php?act=add

  2. Add your app's settings to settings.py:

    VK_IFRAME_APP_ID = '1234567'                   # Application ID
    VK_IFRAME_APP_KEY = 'M1gytuHwni'               # Application key
    VK_IFRAME_APP_SECRET = 'MiRFwrDYwcYFCTD18EcY'  # Secure key
  3. Add 'vk_iframe' to INSTALLED_APPS

  4. Add 'vk_iframe.backends.VkontakteUserBackend' to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS:

  5. Put 'vk_iframe.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'vk_iframe.middleware.IFrameFixMiddleware' and 'vk_iframe.middleware.LoginRequiredMiddleware' to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES:

        # ...
        # ...
        # ...
        # ...

    Please note that 'vk_iframe.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware' must be after 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware' but before 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware'.

    'vk_iframe.middleware.LoginRequiredMiddleware' must be after 'vk_iframe.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware'.

    Vkontakte visitors will be automatically registered and authorized as django users (username == vkontakte user id).

    LoginRequiredMiddleware is an optional. It returns 403 for all unauthorized requests with urls not listed in settings.PUBLIC_URLS. You should enable it for security reasons. Example of PUBLIC_URLS:


    If i18n is in use then vkontakte user's language will be used as django's user language.

  6. Run python ./manage.py syncdb (or python ./manage.py migrate vk_iframe if South is used)

  7. Optional: load initial geo data (cities and countries):

    python manage loaddata vk-geo
  8. If you want to store more user data then put the following line as the 'First API request' ('Первый запрос к API') option (in your app edit page at vkontakte.ru):

  9. For IE: adjust P3P policy header value according to your site privacy policy by providing VK_P3P_POLICY option in your settings.py:


    Default value is 'IDC DSP COR ADM DEVi TAIi PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi HIS OUR IND CNT'. See http://www.p3pwriter.com/LRN_111.asp for the full set of tags.

  10. If you want to use django-vkontakte-iframe along with some other apps that store account information from vkontakte, you may be interested in the folowing feature.

    By default django-vkontakte-iframe creates a new user if is unable to find user with given vk_id. But you can overload that behavior by helping to find apropriate user in your database.

    Define your own function that recieves vk_id and returns user and boolean flag if found and (None, False) otherwise. For example, if you are using django-social-auth for authentication on your site, it might be something like this:

    def get_user_by_vk_id(vk_id):
        user = None
        found = True
            user = User.objects.get(social_auth__provider='vkontakte',
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            found = False
        return (user, found)

    Then tell django-vkontakte-iframe about your function:

  11. That's all. All your app's visitors are now registered and authenticated django users. Additional profile data is available as user.vk_profile.