An implementation of the A5/1 Stream Cipher.
Java Version
This Program was tested using Java version 1.7.
Run Configuration
The main file is A51.java, which accepts 3 command line arguments:
- /path/to/file.ext
- 64-bit Key (in hexadecimal notation - cannot exceed 16 characters). For example: FEDCBA9876543210 is okay, but FFFEDCBA9876543210 is too large.
- 22-bit Frame Number (in hexadecimal notation). For example: C45AF is okay, but C45AFF is too large.
Compiling and Running
- Navigate to the same directory as this file. There should be a bin/ directory and a src/ directory
- Compile with the following command:
javac -d ./bin ./src/*.java
- Run the program with the following command (and appropriate input arguments):
java -classpath ./bin A51.A51
Running the Executable
- Navigate to the runnable/ directory.
- Enter the following command to run the .jar file (with proper input arguments):
java -jar A51.jar
- Example:
java -jar A51.jar test_image.jpg FEDCBA9876543210 C45AF
Expected Output
The program will produce two files. One file be the encrypted file written to /path/to/file[encrypted].ext and the other will be the decrypted file which is written to /path/to/file[encrypted][decrypted].ext.