
pyrogram_patch is a Python library this is a library that adds middlewares and fsm to pyrogram.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


pyrogram_patch is a Python library this is a library that adds middlewares and fsm to pyrogram.


pip install git+https://github.com/kotttee/pyrogram_patch.git



from pyrogram import Client
from pyrogram_patch import patch

# create client
app = Client("my_account", api_id='API_ID', api_hash='API_HASH')

# patch client
patch_manager = patch(app)

# include middleware
patch_manager.include_middleware(MyMiddleware(*args, **kwargs))

Create middleware

from pyrogram_patch.middlewares.middleware_types import OnUpdateMiddleware
from pyrogram_patch.middlewares import PatchHelper

class MyMiddleware(OnUpdateMiddleware):

    # it can be any value you want

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        self.value = 'my_value'

    # you cannot change the call arguments
    async def __call__(self, update, client, patch_helper: PatchHelper):
        # do whatever you want
        patch_helper.data['my_value_name'] = self.value

    # get_data() - use this method to get the data you saved earlier
    # skip_handler() - use this method to skip the handler
    # patch_helper.state.state - this way you can get the current state

Handle midleware data

async def my_commands(client, message, my_value_name):

Middleware types and updates

middleware - middleware which is called if the update is used
outer middleware - middleware that handles everything even if it wasn't caught by the handler

events and middlewares

on_message - OnMessageMiddleware
on_inline_query - OnInlineQueryMiddleware
on_user_status - OnUserStatusMiddleware
on_disconnect - OnDisconnectMiddleware
on_edited_message - OnEditedMessageMiddleware
on_deleted_messages - OnDeletedMessagesMiddleware
on_chosen_inline_result - OnChosenInlineResultMiddleware
on_chat_member_updated - OnChatMemberUpdatedMiddleware
on_raw_update - OnRawUpdateMiddleware
on_chat_join_request - OnChatJoinRequestMiddleware
on_callback_query - OnCallbackQueryMiddleware
on_poll - OnPoolMiddleware

OnUpdateMiddleware - middleware that reacts to everything

MixedMiddleware - middleware that reacts to certain types of handlers

pass the types of handlers from pyrogram.handlers during initialization that the malware will process

patch_manager.include_middleware(ExampleMiddleware((MessageHandler, EditedMessageHandler), False))

    class ExampleMiddleware(MixedMiddleware):
    def __init__(self, handlers: tuple, ignore: bool) -> None:
        self.ignore = ignore  # it can be any value you want

everything you can import from

from pyrogram_patch.middlewares.middleware_types


allowed update types you can manage with app.dispatcher.manage_allowed_update_types(pyrogram.types.Update)


from pyrogram import Client
from pyrogram_patch import patch
from pyrogram_patch.fsm.storages import MemoryStorage

# create client
app = Client("my_account", api_id='API_ID', api_hash='API_HASH')

# patch client
patch_manager = patch(app)

# include middleware

Creating state groups

from pyrogram_patch.fsm import StatesGroup, StateItem

class Parameters(StatesGroup):
    weight = StateItem()
    height = StateItem()

Processing and filtering data

from pyrogram_patch.fsm import State
from pyrogram_patch.fsm.filter import StateFilter

@app.on_message(filters.private & StateFilter()) # the same as StateFilter("*"), catches all states
async def process_1(client: Client, message, state: State):
    if message.text == 'my_data':
        await client.send_message(message.chat.id, 'enter your weight')
        await state.set_state(Parameters.weight)

@app.on_message(filters.private & StateFilter(Parameters.weight))
async def process_2(client: Client, message, state: State):
    await state.set_data({'weight': message.text})
    await client.send_message(message.chat.id, 'enter your height')
    await state.set_state(Parameters.height)

@app.on_message(filters.private & StateFilter(Parameters.height))
async def process_3(client: Client, message, state: State):
    state_data = await state.get_data()
    weight = state_data['weight']
    await client.send_message(message.chat.id, 'your height - {} your weight - {}'.format(message.text, weight))
    await state.finish()

Writing your own storages

from pyrogram_patch.fsm import State, BaseStorage

class YourStorage(BaseStorage):

    def __init__(self) -> None:

    async def checkup(self, key) -> State:

    async def set_state(self, state: str, key: str) -> None:

    async def set_data(self, data: dict, key: str) -> None:

    async def get_data(self, key: str) -> dict:

    async def finish_state(self, key: str) -> None:

# don't forget to make a pull request to the patch's GitHub 😉

Using filters with outer_middlewares

only works with a few types of updates

async def my_filter(_, __, update) -> bool:
    if hasattr(update, "text"):
        patch_helper = PatchHelper.get_from_pool(update)
        patch_helper.data["integer"] = 1
        return True  # False
    return False
my_filter = filters.create(my_filter)


from pyrogram_patch.router import Router

my_router = Router()

async def my_commands(client, message, my_value_name, some_data):




Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open a question first to discuss what you would like to change.

Be sure to update tests as needed.

github: https://github.com/kotttee/pyrogram_patch

telegram: https://t.me/kotttee
