
Horizontal list view for Android which allows variable items widths

Primary LanguageJava

Horizontal Variable ListView


Horizontal list view for Android which allows variable items widths.


  • It extends the AdapterView in order to give the full support to adapters.

  • Customizable left and right edges. A left and right edge glow effect will be shown when the list reaches one of the edges. It can be enabled by setting the overscroll mode to OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS:

      list.setOverScrollMode( View.OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS );
  • It supports multiple items type. Just override the getViewTypeCount() in your adapter. Each item (by type) can have a different width.

  • It uses a recycler in order to reuse recycled items instead of creating new ones every time.


See the Demo MainActivity for a working sample.


This software is distributed under the MIT License: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

Author Alessandro Crugnola