
A bootstrap for implementing Clean Architecture compliant APIs with state-of-the-art Spring Boot and Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlin

KleanBoot : a Clean Architecture skeleton project for APIs using Spring Boot 2/Kotlin and Gradle

This repository is intended to be used as a bootstrap for implementing Clean Architecture compliant APIs with state-of-the-art Spring Boot and Kotlin. In order to achieve such an ambition, your feedback (insight, criticism and suggestions) is highly welcome!

In order to illustrate the Clean Architecture principles, this skeleton implements a minimalistic and fictional use case of a Course enrollment platform with the given business rules:

  • A Student may enrol him/herself to a Course if
    • The given Course is not already full (i.e. less than 5 Students are already enrolled to that Course)
    • The Student is not already enrolled to the given Course

Example API exposes a POST /enrol-student-to-course endpoint with 2 integer parameters:

  • studentId
  • courseId

Table of content


See here


Run the following command:

gradle clean bootRun

In the command above, gradle might be replaced by ./gradlew

For the sake of the example, the application runs on a in-memory database which is populated on start-up with 6 Students (with IDs from 1 to 6) and 5 Courses (with IDs from 1 to 5).

You may thus for instance try the API using Postman as shown here below : ![](docs/postman.jpeg | width = 100px)


Nominal case (200 OK)

    "message": "Student #3 successfully enrolled to class #4"

Non-existing course (400 BAD REQUEST)

    "message": "Cannot enrol student #3 to course #12 : course not found",
    "code": "ERR-1"

Non-existing student (400 BAD REQUEST)

    "message": "Cannot enrol student #12 to course #4 : student not found",
    "code": "ERR-2"

Course is full (403 FORBIDDEN)

    "message": "Cannot enrol student #6 to course #4 : course is full",
    "code": "ERR-3"

Student is already enrolled (403 FORBIDDEN)

    "message": "Cannot enrol student #3 to course #4 : student is already enrolled",
    "code": "ERR-4"

Type mismatch (400 BAD REQUEST)

    "error": "Bad Request",
    "status": 400,
    "path": "/enrol-student-to-course",
    "timestamp": "2018-06-27 13:42:02.699",
    "message": "Failed to convert 'hello' to required type 'long' for  argument 'studentId'",
    "code": "BAD-REQUEST-ERR-1"

Missing parameter (400 BAD REQUEST)

    "error": "Bad Request",
    "status": 400,
    "path": "/enrol-student-to-course",
    "timestamp": "2018-06-27 13:41:37.262",
    "message": "Required long parameter 'studentId' is not present",
    "code": "BAD-REQUEST-ERR-2"


Run the unit/integration tests using:

gradle clean test

Generate the pitest mutation testing report using:

gradle pitest

An HTML report will be issued under the ./build/reports/pitest directory.

In the commands above, gradle might be replaced by ./gradlew

Directory structure

   |  |--kotlin
   |     |--api
   |        |--domain # contains domain entities and repositories interfaces
   |        |--infrastructure # contains technical implementations (db repo, spring boot)
   |        |  |--http
   |        |     |--routing # contains HTTP endpoint mapping and error handling mecanisms
   |        |--usecases # contains orchestration mecanisms
   |--test # contains unit- and integration tests

Design decisions

Once again, your feedback is welcome !

And if you found this repository useful, please give it a star :)

Appendix : Import project into IntelliJ IDEA Community

  1. Clone or download the sources into a directory
  2. Open IntelliJ IDEA Community
  3. In the wizard press "Open":

  1. In the next dialog window select the options as show here:

  1. Let IntelliJ some time to synch with Gradle
  2. At this point you should be all set. To make sure of that, go to ./test/kotlin/api/domain/CourseTest.kt test class and run it from within IntelliJ using the green arrow in the left margin: