
Adrien CASSAGNE's Ph.D. Thesis.

Primary LanguageTeX

Adrien CASSAGNE's Ph.D. Thesis


The document compilation has only been tested on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, there is no guarantee it will compile without issues on other systems.

The document has been written using LaTeX and Biber as the bibliography information processing program (Biber replaces the traditionnal BibTeX program):

sudo apt install texlive-full biber

The source code samples use the minted package which is based on the Python pygments package:

sudo apt install python-pygments python3-pygments

rubber is used as the building system for the LaTeX documents:

sudo apt install make rubber

How to Compile

There is a Makefile to help you to compile the document. Here is a description of the available targets:

  • all: compiles the entire document.
  • figs: compiles only the figures, can be useful when working with Sublime Text for instance.
  • clean: removes all generated intermediate files but keeps the PDFs.
  • mrproper: removes all generated intermediate files including the PDFs.
  • open: shows the thesis with the appropriate PDF reader.

Known Issues

  • There is a bug with the LaTeX titlesec package on Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, the numbering of the sections and subsections is broken. Installing the latest version from https://www.ctan.org/pkg/titlesec solves the problem.