Bitcoin Transcripts Website

A static Hugo site for hosting

This repository is not the home of the transcripts themselves, which are pulled in as a git submodule. If wishing to add or modify a transcript, your contributions are welcome at bitcointranscripts.

Installation and building locally

To build locally, you first need to install Hugo, take a look at the Hugo install instructions.

  • Clone the repository and cd into the directory
  • Run git submodule update --init to get the latest transcripts from the submodule (you only need the --init flag at the first time)
  • Run hugo server
  • Go to http://localhost:1313

Preview your transcript

Having a local build allows you to see how your transcript will be displayed in the website.

The script allows you to preview how the changes in your branch will be displayed by building locally the website using your branch as the content submodule. Usage:

./ <your-github-account> <your-branch-name>

Website's metadata

Metadata about the content of the website are automatically generated and can be found at:

      // information about the existing taxonomies & media
      existing: {categories: [...], media: [...], speakers: [...], tags: [...] }
      // information about which transcripts are missing which metadata field
      missing: {categories: [...], date: [...], media: [...], speakers: [...], tags: [...], transcript_by: [...] }
      // total number of transcripts for each language
      transcripts: { en: 'xxx', es: 'xxx', pt: 'xxx', zh: 'xxx'}
  • information about all the existing directories and their total number of transcript (supports nesting up to 2 levels, which is the maximum nesting that we currently have, e.g. scalingbitcoin/tokyo-2018/edgedevplusplus).


All i18n snippets can be found in the /i18n folder. Pre-configured languages are currently Spanish and Portuguese. If you'd like to propose a new language, you can do so by modifying the site config and translating the appropraite i18n file.

We'd love transcripts in other languages so we've made every effort to make i18n as easy as possible.


This project was based on diyhpluswiki and would not be possible without the many years of work by kanzure.

The styling of this site is based on a modified version of the ace documentation theme.