
模块化研发框架与运维调度系统,帮助应用解决研发运维系列痛点问题,省资源、秒级启动、灵活部署、快速需求交付等,并帮助存量应用低成本演进到 Serverless 模式; modular development framework and serving platform to enable app evolve from monolithic to microservices and also serverless smoothly.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

English | 简体中文

Coverage Status license Maven Central

Koupleless runtime, main responsibilities

  1. Arklet: Module operation and maintenance pipeline, module health check, module metric collection
  2. Multi-application runtime environment
  3. Multi-application governance dynamic adapter
  4. Multi-application testing framework
  5. Module scaffold
  6. Module and base communication annotations and utility classes"