
Demonstrates how to use Spring to access OpenAI restful web services without using the Spring AI project. Tests call ChatGPT for text, DALL-E for image generation, and Whisper for audio transcriptions.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

OpenAI Spring Demo

This repository demonstrates how to call several OpenAI services from Spring without using the Spring AI project. Note that OpenAI requires an API key, which you must set as an environment variable, and you have to give them a credit card number to use the service. Fortunately, the cost for all the services (other than potentially GPT-4) is minimal.


  • Set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable to access any of the OpenAI services. The value of that variable is autowired into the WebClient bean configured in the AppConfig class.

The default image size for DALL-E is specified in application.properties:

  • dalle.default_image_size=512x512

You can adjust the default image size to 256x256 or 1024x1024.


The application does not have any controllers, since it just shows you how to add these services to existing Spring applications. You can run each service through an associated test:

  • OpenAIServiceTest to list the available models and call ChatGPT
  • DallEServiceTest for image generation with DALL-E 2
  • OpenAIInterfaceTest to try out the HTTP exchange interfaces for ChatGPT and DALL-E 2. Note that this service is autowired into the OpenAIServiceTest.
  • TranscriptionServiceTest to transcribe an audio file into text. This service uses the WebClient class directly, since it got too complicated to deal with the different file formats in the HTTP exchange interfaces.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


Ken Kousen

For more details, see Tales from the jar side