Enthusiastic web developer(still learning many skills) and a person who love to work with computers and interested in solving web related problems.
koushil-mankali's Stars
The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
Everything required to crack frontend interview
Zomato Clone - Food Delivery Application Clone using React JS. In this Zomato App clone I have cloned maximum pages Home page, User Profile page, Food Selection page, Settings page etc... As it is only frontend clone I have added static data but in a dynamic way so data can be changed easily or added easily.
udemy-clone which is a clone of Udemy (Learning Management System) developed using MERN stack, this repo is part of the application which is frontend of the Udemy clone developed using React JS.
It's and one page online shopping site only front end
It is a single page hotel website front end design made using HTML,CSS and Bootstarp.
udemy-clone which is a clone of Udemy (Learning Management System) developed using MERN stack, this repo is part of the application which is backend of the Udemy clone developed using Node JS and MongoDB.
It is a Content Management System here admin can manage blog content and perform operations such as publish or update or delete articles. Articles are divided based on categories and admin can create/delete categories. Category count will be updated automatically when user publish/update/delete articles. Admin can add more admins or moderators and admin can set blog logo from settings page. Latest published articles will be available on home page and visitor can also view articles based on the categories and also author. Fully functional search option for the blog.
Uclone its a Udemy replica which have almost all features like udemy.
Its a college result management system created using PHP.Here admin can add / update / delete student records and there results.
In this covid situation people are facing a lots of problems because of unavailability of beds, oxygen and medicines but actually we have enough stock of them just we need to use them effeciently so I have made a project which will help public (users) to know in which hospital beds, oxygen , medicine is available so that they can directly visit that hospital without wasting there time.
In this covid situation people are facing a lots of problems because of unavailability of beds, oxygen and medicines but actually we have enough stock of them just we need to use them effeciently so I have made a project which will help public (users) to know in which hospital beds, oxygen , medicine is available so that they can directly visit that hospital without wasting there time.
My personal portfolio made using MERN Stack and NextJS Technologies.
instagram clone
Instagram Clone using React Js and Firebase
It is a clone of netflix frontend using reactjs.