A Sketch Based Approach to Video Retrieval Using Qualitative Features

Koustav Ghosal, Anoop Namboodiri

ICVGIP, 2014


Python 2.7
Numpy and Scipy


It contains 2 folders PoolVideos and Synthetic. The Pool videos are divided into 9 classes and the Synthetic videos are divided into 5 classes as mentioned in the paper.


The Trajectories folder contains two sub-folders Pool and Synthetic, which contain the trajectories extracted from the Pool and Synthetic videos, respectively. The trajectories were extracted using functions available in the OpenCV Library and an open-source version of the Hungarian Algorithm. The trajectories from each video are stored in separate files and are provided in the following format — Trajectory Index # Starting Frame # X_1 Y_1 X_2 Y_2 . . . X_n Y_n

User Input

The UserInput folder contains 2 sub-folders Pool and Synthetic each of which contain the online sketches collected from 25 different users. The data was collected using a Nexus tablet. Each user was shown 10 Pool and 10 Synthetic videos and then asked to sketch the most salient motions from the video which she/he could remember. Each file in Pool/Synthetic folder corresponds to one user containing all the trajectories from all the videos that she/he could remember. The data is stored in the following format — Video Label # T_1 # T_2 # X_1 Y_1 P_1 X_2 Y_2 P_2 . . . X n Y n P n where T_1 and T_2 are approximate starting and ending points of the trajectory as remembered by the user normalized to [0, 100]. (X, Y ) and P are the coordinates and pressure values for the sketch respectively.


This folder contains 2 sub-folders Pool and Synthetic, which contain the different sets of features described in the paper. In each file the features are stored in the following format. For Trajectories, Video Name # Trajectory Label # Starting Frame # Feature String For User Sketches, User Name # Video Label # Flag # Feature String Please refer to our paper for a detailed description of the features.

Running the scripts

The script RunRetrieval.py needs to be called from the terminal as python RunRetrieval.py Path/To/Features Replace ’Path To Features’ with ../Features/Pool/ or ../Features/Synthetic/, accordingly. The code prints the Mean Reciprocal Rank at the terminal and displays three plots for Precision-Recall, Top-k Accuracy and histogram of reciprocal ranks.




title={A Sketch-Based Approach To Video Retrieval Using Qualita-
tive Features},
author={Ghosal, Koustav and Namboodiri, Anoop},