
A simple and small library to parse your formula and provide output

Arithmetic expression to value

A javascript based library

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This is a fully flexible formula parser based on Node

Table of Contents


  • Node based
  • Simple Javascript methods
  • Carefully evaluated priorities
  • Appropriate infix/prefix/postfix operations

🤲 Want to Motivate?

Who doesn't need motivation? Please give the project a star(⭐) and/or share it in your dev circle.

When do you need it

  • Has got complex formula needs to be evaluated?

Install 🐙

npm install formula-parser


yarn add formula-parser


import {parseFormula} from 'array-initializer'

// const value = ('Your complex formula');
const value = ('(4*(6)^2)+(2*(123))+243/sin(80)');

Highlight 🔥

It was frustrating for me when I was looking for some easy way to evaluate complex formulae in various part of my application.

Available Operators

Operator Description Positioning
+ Addition prefix
- Subtraction prefix
+ Multiplication prefix
/ Division prefix
( Bracket open prefix
) Bracket close postfix
, Coma infix
^ Power infix
! Factorial postfix
abs Absolute function
min Minimum function
sqrt Square root function
sin Sin function prefix
cos Cos function prefix

Items in queue

  • Logically endless combinations

Contribution 🍰

If you understand the importance please feel free to create issue and make pull request

Refer code of conduct

Refer contributing


MIT © Koustov