Mandala Designer project

This project is carried out as part of the Complex Embedded Systems Lab Training (Sommersemester 2017/2018). It consists of building a Mini CNC Plotter using Arduino. The final machine can draw basic shapes, texts and even complex figures as long as the input is G-Code.

Hardware requirement :

  1. Two old DVD/CD drives
  2. A servo motor
  3. A motor shield L293D
  4. Arduino Uno board
  5. Cables
  6. USB 2.0 cable to connect Arduino to PC
  7. Screws and nuts
  8. Power supply (see Ardafruit tutorial on powering motor shield)

Software requirement :

  1. Arduino IDE
  2. Processing IDE
  3. Inkscape (optional)
  4. GCTRL processing program from Damellis. It is used to send G-Code data to Arduino

For more details refer to the wiki!